Browse Listings in Post Cards > Canada
Colour PC Shady Homes, Lambeth, Ont., Canada unused
A Colour postcard showing Shady Homes, Lambeth, Ont, Canada unused.sc22-9-7.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Rundle Park Salt Spring Island Ferry Chrome PC unused
A chrome postcard showwing Rundle Park, Salt Spring Island with Ferry in background, usedCanadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for you.Free shipping on orders over $50 g...
fatdane (362 )
Valentine & Sons Colour PC Methodist Church , Paris, Ontario unused
A Valentine & Sons colour Postcard showing the Methodist Church, Paris, Ontario . Unused some corner wear.sc22-10-12.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC White Horse Restaurant, Paris, Canada unused
A Chrome era colour Postcard showinh the White Horse Reataurant, Paris, Onatrio. Unused but some writing on both front and back.sc22-10-10.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Black & Whte PC The Trading Post, Paris, Canada unused
A Black & White real photo card showing the Trading Post, King's Highway 2 & 5 at 24A, Paris, Canada. Unused some small tears at top .sc22-10-9.jpg
fatdane (362 )
PECO Colour PC Business Section Simcoe Ontario, unused
A linen era PECO colour postcard showing the Business Section, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada. Unused some tape stains on cornerssc22-10-13.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Black & White PC Federal Hi-Way Tourist Home Naigara Falls, Ontario unused
A Black and White Postcard showing Federal Hi-Way Silent Night Home of Mrs J.B. Philips, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada 5 Minutes walk from the Falls. Unused but back loo...
fatdane (362 )
Valentine & Sons Colour PC Hamilton Mountain View Incline Railway used
A Valentine & Sons colour postcard showing a Mountain View of Hamilton, Ontario , Incline Railway. Used Hamilton to Galt, Ontario 1921 .Canadian Customers - I pay the...
fatdane (362 )
Public School, Moose Jaw Black & White Picture Post Card
Public School, Moose Jaw, Sask., black and white picture post card, divided back, unused, very fine
jsheffie (11 )
Linen Valentine- Black Colour PC Maryland Bridge Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A linen era Valentine- Black colour post card showing the Maryland Bridge over the Assiniboine River, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-5.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Valentine Edy Colour PC Winnieg Auditorium Old Cars Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A Valentine Edy colour post card showing the Winnipeg Auditorium, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-12.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Linen PECO Colour PC Old Fort Garry Gate Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A linen era PECO colour post card showing the Old Fort Garry Gate, Winnipeg, Manitoba, unused .sc23-4-1.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Linen Valentine Edy Colour PC Inside Walls of Old Fort Garry Winnipeg,
A linen era Valentine Edy colour post card showing Inside the Walls of Lower Fort Garry , now the Motor Country Club, Winnipeg, Manitoba, unused .sc23-4-9.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Linen Valentine Edy Colour PC Aerial View of Winnipeg, Manitoba
A linen era Valentine Edy colour post card showingan aerial view of Winnipeg, Manitoba, looking southeast to northeast , unused .sc23-4-2.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Linen PECO Colour PC Hudson Bay Company Store Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A linen era PECO colour post card showing the Hudson Bay Company Store, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-3.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Linen PECO Colour PC Auditorium Parliament, University Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A linen era PECO colour post card showing the Auditoriu, Cenotaph, Parliament Buildings & University Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-4.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Linen PECO Colour PC Parliament Buildings, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A linen era PECO colour post card showing the Parliament Buildings, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-6.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Linen PECO Colour PC Residence & Campus, U of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A linen era PECO colour post card showing the Residence Buildin & Campus, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-7.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Valentine Edy Linen Colour PC Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A Valentine Edy linen era colour post card showing Portsage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-13.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Valentine Edy Linen Colour PC The Union Station, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A Valentine Edy linen era colour post card showing the Union Station, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-10.jpg
fatdane (362 )