Browse Listings in Post Cards > Canada
Canada 1962 Transatlantic Post Card Returned
Canada #397, 1962 5¢ Red River Settlement issue tied by Winnipeg 430PM/10 VII/1962 slogan cancel to Germany, marked UNKNOWN with label and returned. Very fine with great...
jsheffie (11 )
Imperial, Saskatchewan Real Photo Postcard
Imperial Hotel, pencil notation on reverse has identified as Imperial, Sask. Real photo postcard, unused, divided back, very fine
jsheffie (11 )
#90 Picture Post Card to Belgium
Canada #90, 2¢ carmine King Edward VII issue tied by Esterhazy, Sask AM/FE 16/09 cancel to Belgium, very fine with a great group of cancels on face
jsheffie (11 )
Bridge at Island Par, Toronto
Canada #97 Toronto cds cancel to Woodington House, Muskoka with receiver, front of card, Bridge at Island Park, Toronto (Valentine 101809)(33715Terms and Conditions: All...
jsheffie (11 )
Early Colour PC |CPR STeamer "Princess Victoria" enetring Vancouver Hzrbor
A early, probably pre WW I, colour postcard showing C.P.R. Steamer "Princess Victoria" entering Vancouver Harbor, unused .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HS...
fatdane (362 )
#90 on Black & White Post Card to Ireland
Canada #90, 2¢ carmine King Edward VII issue tied by machine cancel Winnipeg JUN 13/12:30 PM 19?? to Ireland, very fine
jsheffie (11 )
Dresden Ontario (Kent County) Postcard Christ Church and Cenotaph Unposted
Dresden Ontario (Kent County) Postcard Christ Church and Cenotaphunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher:: Photogelatine Engraving C...
iekphilatelics (0)
Caledonia Ontario Postcard High and School Unposted
Caledonia Ontario Postcard High and Schoolunposted - standard size - black and white - divided backPublisher:: Carman and Company, Caledonia - made in GermanyPostcard ...
iekphilatelics (0)
Sepia PC Gaspesie- Environs de Sainte Anne- des Monts unused
A Sepia French produced postcard showing Gaspesie - Environs de Sainte Anne-des-Monts, unusedCanadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for yousc20-8-3.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Early Colour undivided back PC City Hall, Monument, Street Car ,Winnipeg, Man unused
A early colour undiivided back post card shweing City Hall, Volunteer Monument, & Street Car, Winnipeg, Manitoba, unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associati...
fatdane (362 )
Battleford, Sask Black & White Picture Postcard
First Ave. Looking North, Battleford, Sask., black and white picture Warwick Bros & Rutter post card, unused, divide back, very fine
jsheffie (11 )
North Bay Ontario Postcard Pro Cathedral of the Assumption Unposted
North Bay Ontario Postcard Pro Cathedral of the Assumptionunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher:: Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd. T...
iekphilatelics (0)
Vancouver British Columbia Postcard Stanley Park Indian Totem Poles
Vancouver British Columbia Postcard Stanley Park Indian Totem Polesposted circa 1950 - standard size - colour - divided back Publisher:: The Coast Publishing CompanyP...
iekphilatelics (0)
Toronto Ontario Postcard General Hospital Unposted
Toronto Ontario Postcard General Hospitalunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher:: Valentine & Sons United Publishing Co. Limited,...
iekphilatelics (0)
Peterborough Ontario Postcard St. Peter's Church Unposted
Peterborough Ontario Postcard St. Peter's Churchunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher:: Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd. TorontoPost...
iekphilatelics (0)
London Ontario Postcard Dominion Public Building Unposted
London Ontario Postcard Dominion Public Building unposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher:: Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd. TorontoPo...
iekphilatelics (0)
Kingston Ontario County House Unposted
Kingston Ontario County Houseunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher:: Valentine - Black Co. Ltd., Toronto, CanadaPostcard is in Very ...
iekphilatelics (0)
Black & White RPPC Banff Springs Hotel, Alberta unused
Black & white real photo post card Banff Springs Hotel, Alberta unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over $50 going to Canada...
fatdane (362 )
Valentine Edy Linen Colour PC dominion Public Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A Valentine Edy linen era colour post card showing te Dominion Public Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-14.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Black & White RPPC Castle Mtn Banff Raiway Tracks unused
Black & white real photo post card Castle Mountain, Banff, Alberta, Raiway Tracks, unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over ...
fatdane (362 )