Browse Listings in Postal History > Canada > Ontario
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Canada-#10632 - 3c KGV Ottawa Conference - York County - Toronto, Ont - Oc
Scan #10632 - 3c KGV Ottawa Conference - York County - Toronto, Ont - Oct 10 1932 - Slogan cancellation "Help The Man-A-Block Campaign" - C...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#10944 - 10c United Empire Loyalists on FDC [#209] - York County - Toro
Scan #10944 - 10c United Empire Loyalists on FDC [#209] - York County - Toronto, Ont - Jul 1 1934 - Â Â Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association a...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#11576 - Stampless "Ottawa Canada Free" franking on O.H.M.S. Natural Re
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Canada-#12805 -used1c p/c-Goderich & St Thomas RPO-Feb 8 1909-WEllington St
Scan #12805 -used1c p/c-Goderich & St Thomas RPO-Feb 8 1909-WEllington St School-St Thomas- -Â Â Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and h...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#10660 - 5c KGV Medallion on FDC [#199] - Carleton County - Ottawa,
Scan #10660 - 5c KGV Medallion on FDC [#199] - Carleton County - Ottawa, Ont - Dec 1 1932 -Â Â Â Â Â Â Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers ...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#12584 - 5c George Brown on an Overseas Mailer FDC [ #484 ]with an
Scan #12584 - 5c George Brown ...
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Canada-#12797-unused PECO postcard-Kettle Creek-St Thomas Ont-
Scan#12797-unused PECO postcard-Kettle Creek-St Thomas Ont-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadia...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#10982 - 1c KGV pictorial precancelled #4940 [ Windsor ] - 1c printed m
Scan #10982 - 1c KGV pictorial precancelled #4940 [ Windsor ] - 1c printed matter rate to England - Â Â Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#11118 - 5c(4) Prince of Wales block of 4 [ #194 ] roller cancelled previ
Scan #11118 - 5c(4) Prince of Wales block of 4 [ #194 ] roller cancelled previously and th...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#10599 - 3c Admiral - Carleton County - Ottawa, Ont - Feb 5 1925 - Slog
Scan #10599 - 3c Admiral - Carleton County - Ottawa, Ont - Feb 5 1925 - Slogan cancellation "Write often and keep the family together" - Â Â Â Â Â Â...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#12868 - 1c KGV pictorial to Forrester Falls and resent to Cobden #1 -
Scan #12868 - 1c KGV pictorial to Forrester Falls and resent to Cobden #1 - Carleton County - Ottawa, Ont - Mar 27 1937 - Renfrew County - Forrester Falls, O...
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Canada-#11593 - 6c Mackenzie on a FDC [ #516 ] -unusual cachet by Jackson, an in
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Canada-#11549 - 1c QV postal stationery - Norfolk County - Courtland, Ont singl
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Canada-#11561 - 2c Admiral [ CPR perfin ] - Thunderbay District - Fort William, Ont
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Canada-#12858 - 5c(block of 4) Recreation Sports on cacheted cover for Sarphex IV,
Scan #12858 - 5c(block of 4) Recreation Sports on cacheted cover for Sarphex IV, May 25 1957 - Lambton County - Sarnia, Ont - V 25 1957 - Member of the Canadian Sta...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#12891 - 2c Edward-Elgin Cnty-Eden,Ont single broken circle-De 14 1905-
Scan #12891 - 2c Edward-Elgin Cnty-Eden,Ont single broken circle-De 14 1905- Member of the Canadi...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#11598 - 10c 1970 Christmas stamp-FDC [#529]-unusual cachet by Cole,
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Canada-#10593-1c+2c KGV pictorials-Leeds Cnty-Gananoque, Ont
Scan#10593-1c+2c KGV pictorials-Leeds Cnty-G...
donslau (1 )