Browse Listings in Stamps > Canada

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Canada-Sc#96- id7-unused og NH 1/2c Prince,Princess of Wales-1908-

Canada-Sc#96- id7-unused og NH 1/2c Prince,Princess of Wales-1908-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian...

18.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#96- id7-unused og disturbed gum 1/2c Prince,Princes of Wales-1908-1903-

Canada-Sc#96- id7-unused og disturbed gum 1/2c Prince,Princes of Wales-1908-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 197...

1.75 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#125iv- id6-unused og light hinged 1c KGV yellow green coil-1912-

Canada-Sc#125iv- id6-unused og light hinged 1c KGV yellow green coil-1912-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975....

8.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#109- id8-unused hinged 3c carmine KGV-1923-

Canada-Sc#109- id8-unused hinged 3c carmine KGV-1923-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I w...

3.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Commercial Airways Ltd., Unadopted Tete-beche, imperforate, Essay

Commercial Airways Ltd., Unadopted Tete-beche, imperforate, Essay, most likely for CL48 because of "AIR FEE".  Very interesting design featuring a slogan "...

1,875.00 CAD
Moreland_Revenue_Stamps (0)


Scott 138, Canada, LATHEWORK, 3c Admiral, PB 126 of 10, MNHOG

Scott 138, Canada, LATHEWORK, 3c Admiral, PB 126 of 10, MNHOG, Very strong and complete lathework, type "D"  Canadian Buyers will be charged their Provinces G...

1,349.95 CAD
Moreland_Revenue_Stamps (0)


Canada-Sc#154-Unused 8c blue KGV Scroll -OG NH -1928-

Canada-Sc#154-Unused 8c blue KGV Scroll -OG NH -1928-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I...

19.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#90- id7-unused no gum 2c carmine KEVII-1903-

Canada-Sc#90- id7-unused no gum 2c carmine KEVII-1903-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I ...

4.75 CAD
donslau (1 )


636 listings found. Showing results 41 to 50
Canada-Sc#161-Unused 2c green KGV Scroll coil-OG NH -1929-

Canada-Sc#161-Unused 2c green KGV Scroll coil-OG NH -1929-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyer...

42.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#151-Unused 3c dark carmine KGV Scroll -OG NH -1928-

Canada-Sc#151-Unused 3c dark carmine KGV Scroll -OG NH -1928-   Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadia...

26.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#146-8-Unused Historical set-OG NH -1927-

Canada-Sc#146-8-Unused Historical set-OG NH -1927-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I wi...

42.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#153-Unused 5c deep violet KGV Scroll -OG NH -1928-

Canada-Sc#153-Unused 5c deep violet KGV Scroll -OG NH -1928-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buy...

19.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#169-Unused 5c dull violet KGV Arch-OG NH-1930

Canada-Sc#169-Unused 5c dull violet KGV Arch-OG NH-1930Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers -...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#152-Unused 4c bistre KGV Scroll -OG NH -1929-

Canada-Sc#152-Unused 4c bistre KGV Scroll -OG NH -1929-   Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buy...

12.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#160-Unused 1c orange KGV Scroll coil-OG NH -1929

Canada-Sc#160-Unused 1c orange KGV Scroll coil-OG NH -1929-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buye...

42.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#170-Unused 5c dull blue KGV Arch-OG NH-1930

Canada-Sc#170-Unused 5c dull blue KGV Arch-OG NH-1930Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I...

8.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#174-Unused 12c grey black Quebec Citadel-OG NH-1930

Canada-Sc#174-Unused 12c grey black Quebec Citadel-OG NH-1930Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian bu...

34.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#171-Unused 8c dark blue KGV Arch-OG NH-1930

Canada-Sc#171-Unused 8c dark blue KGV Arch-OG NH-1930Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I...

14.95 CAD
donslau (1 )