Browse Listings in Stamps > Canada

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Canada-Sc#128- id13-unused og NH 2c KGV coil -1922-

Canada-Sc#128- id13-unused og NH 2c KGV coil -1922-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I wil...

39.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


598T1, Scott, 50c, MNH, Landscape Definitive, Seashore, Untagged Error

598T1, Scott, 50c, MNH, Landscape Definitive, Seashore, Untagged ErrorCanadian Buyers will be charged their Provinces GST/HST Rate  at checkout. GST/HST #79036 8534 RT...

60.00 CAD
Moreland_Revenue_Stamps (0)


Canada-Sc#97- id7-unused og disturbed gum 1c Cartier,Champlain-1908-

Canada-Sc#97- id7-unused og disturbed gum 1c Cartier,Champlain-1908-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadi...

12.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#203- id5-Unused NH 20c brown red-Harvesting Wheat overprinted-G

Canada-Sc#203- id5-Unused NH 20c brown red-Harvesting Wheat overprinted-Grain Exhibition-og-1933- Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been servin...

26.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#106- id7-unused og hinged 2c KGV-1911- few black marks on back-

Canada-Sc#106- id7-unused og hinged 2c KGV-1911- few black marks on back-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.C...

11.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


BCD3b, BC Ducks, 1948, $1, Imperf single, large margins, XF, NH, Canada

BCD3b, BC Ducks, 1948, $1, Imperf single, large margins, XF, NH, CanadaCanadian Buyers will be charged their Provinces GST/HST Rate  at checkout. GST/HST #79036 8534 RT...

275.00 CAD
Moreland_Revenue_Stamps (0)


Canada-Unitrade#FWH4-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Ducks-1988

Canada-Unitrade#FWH4-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Ducks-1988 Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector s...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#109- id14-unused og NH 3c KGV-1923-

Canada-Sc#109- id14-unused og NH 3c KGV-1923-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I will cove...

11.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


658 listings found. Showing results 241 to 280
Canada Sc 228-30 1935 George V coil stamp set used

Canada Scott & Unitrade  Catalogue number 228-30 1935 George V coil stamp set.Used, fine to very fine.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for you19-1-109.jpg

3.20 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc J12 1933 2 cent Postage due stamp mint

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number J12 1933 2 cent postage due stamp .Mint,  fine  original gum  hinged  .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers AssociationFree ship...

3.25 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc C9a 1947 7c Canada Goose airmail stamp booklet pane of 4 mint NH

Canada Scott & Untrade Specialized Catalogue C9a 1947 7 cent Canada Goose airmail  stamp booklet pane of 5 .Mint, fine to very fine , original gum  never hinged . ...

3.25 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc C8 1943 7 c Training Airplane airmail stamp mint NH

Canada Scott & Untrade Specialized Catalogue C8 1943 7 cent bluw Commonwealth Air Training Plan Airplane airmail stamp .Mint, fine to very fine , original gum never h...

3.25 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc C6 1938 6c Airplane over River airmail stamp mint NH

Canada Scott & Untrade Specialized Catalogue C6 1938  6c Monolane over Mackenzie River, NWT,  airmail stamp .Mint, fine to very fine , original gum never hinged . ...

3.25 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 222 1935 8c deep orange George V stamp mint NH

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 222 1935 8 cent deep orange George V  stamp.Mint, very fine original gum  never hinged  .Canadian Customers - I pay the GS...

3.30 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 220 1935 4c Yellowish Orange George V stamp mint NH

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 220 1935 4 cent yellowish orange George V  stamp.Mint, very fine original gum  never hinged  .Canadian Customers - I pay t...

3.30 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 199 1932 5 c darrk blue G V medallion issue stamp mint

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number  199 1932 5 cent daark blue George V medallion issue stamp .Mint,  fine to very fine original gum hinged  .Member Canadian...

3.30 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 202 1933 5c blue UPU Meeting stamp mint

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number  202 1933 5 cent blue Universal Postal Union meeting stamp .Mint,  fine original gum hinged  .Member Canadian Stamp Dealer...

3.30 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Newfoundland Sc 49 1896 3 c blue Victoria stamp used

Newfoundland Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 49 1896 3 cent blue Victoria stamp .Used, very good .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purcha...

3.35 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 2471a-e 2011 Art Deco Architecture stamp set used

Canada Scott & Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number 2471a-2471e 2011 Art Deco Architecture stamp set .Used, fine to very fine .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associat...

3.35 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 169 1930 5c dull violet G V arch issue stamp used

Canada Scott & Unitrade  Catalogue number 169 1930 5 cents dull violet George V arch issue stamp.Used, fine.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for you19-1-95.jpg

3.45 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 172 1930 8c red orange G V arch issue stamp used

Canada Scott & Unitrade  Catalogue number 172 1930 8 cents red orange George V arch issue stamp.Used, fine.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for you19-1-97.jpg

3.45 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 1854a-1854e 2000 Fresh Waters stamp set used

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 1854a-1854e 2000 Fresh Waters of Canada   stamp set .Used, fine to very fine .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Fr...

3.45 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada-Sc#109- id8-unused hinged 3c carmine KGV-1923-

Canada-Sc#109- id8-unused hinged 3c carmine KGV-1923-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I w...

3.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada Sc 1947 2002 Tulips stamp sheet mint NH

Canada Scott & Unitrade Specilalized Catalogue number 1947 2002 Tulips stamp aouvenir sheet . Mint, fine to very fine, original gum, never hinged.Member Canadian Sta...

3.50 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada-Sc#131- id6-unused og hinged 1c KGV coil-1915-24-

Canada-Sc#131- id6-unused og hinged 1c KGV coil-1915-24-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - ...

3.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#131- id20-unused og NH 1c KGV coil-1915-24-

Canada-Sc#131- id20-unused og NH 1c KGV coil-1915-24-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I w...

3.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#114- id9-unused og hinge remnant 7c KGV-1924-

Canada-Sc#114- id9-unused og hinge remnant 7c KGV-1924-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I...

3.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada Sc C8 1943 8c Pilots & Training Plane airmail stamp mint NH

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number C8 1943 8 cent Pilots & Training Airplane airmail stamp .Mint,  fine to very fine, original gum never hinged  .Member ...

3.75 CAD
fatdane (362 )


canada Sc 34 1882 1/2c black Small Queen Victoria stamp used

Canada Scott &  Unitrade Catalogue number 34 2882 1/2 cent black small Queen Victoria stamp .used, fine.Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on p...

3.75 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada-Sc#89- id7-unused no gum 1c green KEVII-1903-

Canada-Sc#89- id7-unused  no gum 1c green KEVII-1903-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I ...

3.75 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada Sc 70 1897 5 c dark blue Victoria Maple Leaf issue stamp used

Canada Scott & Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number 70 1897 5 cent dark blue  Victoria Maple Leaf issue stamp .Used, fine  .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associati...

3.75 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 152 1928 4c olive bistre G V scroll issue stamp used

Canada Scott & Unitrade  Catalogue number 152 1928 4c olive bistre George V scroll issue stamp.Used, fine.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for you19-1-91.jpg

3.85 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Newfoundland Sc 48 1876 2 cent red orange codfish stamp used

Newfoundland Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 48 1876 2 cent red orange codfish stamp .Used, very good..Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on your purchases from...

3.85 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 92 1903 7c olive bistre Edward VII stamp used

Canada Scott & Unitrade  Catalogue number 92 1903 7 cent olive bistre Edward VII stampUsed, fine.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for you19-1-86.jpg

3.85 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 268-73 1946 Peace stamp set used

Canada Scott & Unitrade  Catalogue number 268-273 1946 Peace stamp set.Used, fine to very fine.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for you19-2-2.jpg

3.85 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc C3 1932 6c on 5c airplane overr globe airmail stamp mint

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number C3 1932 6 ceny overprint on 5 cent aiplane over globe airmail stamp .Mint,  fine original gum hinged  .Member Canadian Stam...

3.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada-Unitrade#FWH4-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Ducks-1988

Canada-Unitrade#FWH4-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Ducks-1988 Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector s...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Unitrade#FWH4-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Ducks-1988

Canada-Unitrade#FWH4-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Ducks-1988 Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector s...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Unitrade#FWH3-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Geese-1987-

Canada-Unitrade#FWH3-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Geese-1987- Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector ...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada 1967 London-London Flight Souvenir Sheet

body { background-color: #FFFFFF } Here's a nice commemorative souvenir sheet issued in 1967 by the London Philatelic Society to honour the 40th Anniversary o...

3.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Canada-Sc#109- id7-unused light hinged 3c carmine KGV-1923-

Canada-Sc#109- id7-unused light hinged 3c carmine KGV-1923-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada Sc 251a 1942 3c dark carmine G VI booklet pane of 4 mint NH

Canada Scott & Untrade Specialized Catalogue 251a 1942 3 cent dark carmine  George VI stamp booklet pane of 4Mint, fine to very fine , original gum never hinged . M...

3.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc E9 1939 10 c special delivery stamp mint

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number E9 1939 10 cent on 20 cent special delivery stamp .Mint,  fine to very fine, original gum  hinged  .Member Canadian Stamp...

3.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc C5 1935 6c Daedulus in Flight airmail stamp mint NH

Canada Scott & Untrade Specialized Catalogue C5 1935 6c Daedulus in Flight airmail stamp .Mint, fine to fine plus , original gum never hinged . Member Canadian Stamp...

3.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada-Unitrade#FWH3-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Geese-1987-

Canada-Unitrade#FWH3-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Geese-1987- Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector ...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Unitrade#FWH4-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Ducks-1988

Canada-Unitrade#FWH4-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Ducks-1988 Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector s...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada Sc 254a 1942 4c G VI booklet pane of 6 mint NH

Canada Scott & Untrade Specialized Catalogue 254a 1942 4 cent dark carmine George VI stamp booklet pane of 6Mint, fine to very fine , original gum never hinged . Mem...

3.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 249b 1942 1c G VI booklet pane of 6 mint NH

Canada Scott & Untrade Specialized Catalogue 249b 1942 1 cent green George VI stamp booklet pane of 6Mint, fine to very fine , original gum never hinged . Member Can...

3.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )