Browse Listings in Stamps > Thematics > Other Thematics
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Iceland Sc 746 1991 Navigation School stamp mint NH
Iceland Scott Catalogue number 746 1991 100th Anniversary School of Navigation .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged.Free Shipping on purchases over $50 goin...
fatdane (362 )
Canada Sc 177 1930 $1 Mt Edith Cavell stamp mint NH
Canada Scott & Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number 177 1930 $1 Mount Edith Cavell stamp.Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Canadian Customers - I p...
fatdane (362 )
Greenland Sc 387-89 2001 unissued stamp designs stamp set mint NH
Greenland Scott Catalogue number 387-389Â 2001 unissued stamp designs stamp set.Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HS...
fatdane (362 )
Iceland Sc 740 1991 NORDIA 91 Old Map stamp sheet mint NH
Iceland Scott Catalogue number 740 1991Â NORDIA 91 Old Map stamp souvenir sheet .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associa...
fatdane (362 )
Finland Sc 18 1875 5 p orange Coat of Arms stamp used
Finland Scott Catalogue number 18 1875 5 p orange Coat of Arms stamp .Used, very good . Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over $50 go...
fatdane (362 )
Greenland Sc 165-172 1986-1988 Artifacts stamp set mint NH
Greenland Scott Catalogue number 165-172 1986-1988 Artifacts stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free...
fatdane (362 )
Aland Finland Sc 75-77 1993 Folk Costumes stamp set mint NH
Aland Finland Scott Catalogue number 75-77 1993 Folk Costumes stamp set .Mint fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association ...
fatdane (362 )
Finland Sc 740 1986 Ships & Map FINLANDIA '88 stamp sheet mint NH
Finland Scott Catalogue number 740 1986 Ships & Map stamp souvenir sheet for FINLANDIA 88 Philatelic Exhibition ..Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged.Ca...
fatdane (362 )
Sweden Sc 861-868 1970 Heavy Industry stamp set mint NH
Sweden Scott Catalogue number 861-868 1970 Heavy Industry stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free S...
fatdane (362 )
Switzerland Sc B222-26 1953 Pro Patria Views stamp set mint NH
Switzerland Scott Catalogue number B222-226 1953 Pro Patria, views, stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associ...
fatdane (362 )
Norway Sc O33-O43 1939-1947 Official Coat of Arms stamp set mint
Norway Scott Catalogue number O33-O43 Coat of Arms Official stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine original gum hinged one value no gum. .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Ass...
fatdane (362 )
Finland Sc 22 1879 25 p carmine Coat of Arms stamp used
Finland Scott Catalogue number 22 1879 25p carmine Coat of Arms stamp .Used, fine . Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over $50 going ...
fatdane (362 )
Iceland Sc 715 1990 NORDIA 91 Old Map stamp sheet mint NH
Iceland Scott Catalogue number 715 1990Â NORDIA 91 Old Map stamp souvenir sheet .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associa...
fatdane (362 )
Estonia Sc 106 1930 2 Kroon overprint on Map stamp used
Estonia Scott Catalogue number 106 1930 2 Kroon overprint on Map of Estonia stampUsed, fine .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over $5...
fatdane (362 )
Great Britain Scott 1538-1547 1994 Messages stamp set used
Great Britain Scott Catalogue number 1537-1547 1994 Messages stamp set.Used, fine to very fine .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases ove...
fatdane (362 )
Switzerland Sc B212-16 1952 Pro Patria views stamp set mint NH
Switzerland Scott Catalogue number B212-216 1952 Pro Patria, views,  stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Asso...
fatdane (362 )
Switzerland Sc B232-36 1954 Pro Patria, views, stamp set mint NH
Switzerland Scott Catalogue number B232-236 1954 Pro Patria, views, stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associ...
fatdane (362 )
Estonia Sc 214-223 1992 Coat of Arms stamp set mint NH
Estonia Scott Catalogue number 214-223 1992 National Coat of Arms stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged .Free shipping on pirchases over $50 ...
fatdane (362 )
Lithuania Sc 612 1998 80th Anniversary Post Office stamp sheet mint NH
Lithuania Scott Catalogue number 612 1998 80th Anniversary Lithuanian Post Office stamp souvenir sheet .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadia...
fatdane (362 )
Greenland Sc B20a 1995 Flag stamp sheet mint NH
Greenland Scott Catalogue number B20a 1995 10th Anniversary National Flag stamp souvenir sheet .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Canadian Customer...
fatdane (362 )
Canada USC Bk145b (1412b) 1992 42c Rivers of Canada booklet mint NH
Canada Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number Bk145b (1412b) 1992 42 cent Rivers of Canada stamp booklet of 10 stamps.Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Â...
fatdane (362 )
Switzerland Sc B252-56 1956 Pro Patria, views, stamp set mint NH
Switzerland Scott Catalogue number B252-56 1956 Pro Patria, Views, stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associa...
fatdane (362 )