Browse Listings in Post Cards > Canada

130 listings found. Showing results 31 to 40
Valentine & Sons Colour PC Governement Building, Victoria, B.C. used 1909

A  Valantine & Sons  colour postcard showing Governement Building ( Main Entrance), Victoria, B.C. used 1909 Victoria, B.C. to Ottawa, Ont.sc23-7-37.jpg

3.99 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Valentine & Sons Colour PC lake at Beacon Hill Park Victoria, B.C. unused

A  Valantine & Sons  colour postcard showing Lake at Beacon Hill Park, Vicoria, B.C., unusedsc23-7-33.jpg

3.99 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Valentine & Sons Colour PC Belmont Bldg Union Club Empress Hotel, Victoria B.C. used

A  Valantine & Sons  colour postcard showing Belmont Building, Union Club,and Empress Hoyel, Victoria, B.C. used 1920 Victoria to Mass.sc23-7-28.jpg

3.99 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Colour PC Hastings Street Vancouver B.C. used 1927

A   colour postcard showing Hastings Street Vancouver, B.C. used 1927 Vancouver to Philadelphi PA, some corner wear & stamp removedsc23-7-35.jpg

3.99 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Linen PECO Colour PC Old Fort Garry Gate Winnipeg, Manitoba unused

A linen era PECO colour post card showing the Old Fort Garry Gate, Winnipeg, Manitoba, unused .sc23-4-1.jpg

3.99 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Valentine Edy Colour PC Winnieg Auditorium Old Cars Winnipeg, Manitoba unused

A Valentine Edy colour post card showing the Winnipeg Auditorium, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-12.jpg

3.99 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Linen Valentine- Black Colour PC Maryland Bridge Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused

A linen era Valentine- Black colour post card showing the Maryland Bridge over the Assiniboine River, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-5.jpg

3.99 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Black & White PC Picnic Grounds Dominion Experimetal Farm, Ottawa unused

A Bllack & White Post Card showing Picnic Grounds, Dominion experimenntal Farm, Ottawa, unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases ...

3.99 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Linen era Valentine Black colour PC Provincial Parliament Building Winnipeg, Man unused

A Linen era colour postcard showing the Provincial Parliament Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba, unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchase...

3.99 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Colour PC Cariboo Bridge Fraser Canyon used 1910

A   colour postcard showing Cariboo Bridge, Fraserr Canyon, used 1910 from Chatham, Ontario to London, Ontario, some corner wearsc23-7-32.jpg

3.99 CAD
fatdane (362 )