Browse Listings in Stamps > Thematics > Royalty

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Canada Sc 111 1914 5 c dark blue George V Admiral stamp mint NH

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 111 1914 5 cent dark blue George V Admiral issue stamp.Mint,  fine original gum never hinged light gum bend .Canadian Custom...

124.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 112 1922 5 c violet George V Admiral stamp block of 4 mint NH

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 112 1922  5 cent violet George V Admiral issue stamp block of 4.Mint,  fine to fine plus original gum never hinged .Canadia...

149.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Greenland 1945 long stamp set mint NH King, Seal, Eider Duck, Dogsled

Greenland Scott Catalogue number 10-18, 1945 long stamps set, Harp Seal, King Christian X on Horseback, Dogsled Team, Polar Bear, Eskimo in Kayak and Eider Duck.Mint, fin...

349.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Monaco Sc 1841 1992 Philatelic Museum stamp sheet mint NH

Monaco Scott Catalogue number 1841 1992 Philatelic Museum stamp souvenir  sheet .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associ...

7.25 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 178-83 1930-31 G V arch issue coil stamp set mint NH

Canada Scott & Unitrade  Catalogue number 178-183 1930-1931 George V arch issue coil stamp set.Mint, very good to very fine, origina gum never hinged .Canadian Custo...

87.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Monaco Sc 1782 1991 Prince Albert I stamp sheet mint NH

Monaco Scott Catalogue number 1782 1991 Prince Albert I stamp souvenir  sheet .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associat...

9.60 CAD
fatdane (362 )


507 listings found. Showing results 101 to 120
British Honduras Sc 42 1893 6c ultramarine Victoria stamp mint

British Honduras  Scott Catalogue number 42 1893 6 cent ultramarine Victoria stamp.Mnt, very good to fine original gum  hinged .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST ...

12.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


British Honduras Sc 41 1891 5c ultra Victoria stamp mint

British Honduras  Scott Catalogue number 41 1891 5 cent ultra Victoria stamp.Mnt, very good to fine original gum  hinged .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for yo...

12.65 CAD
fatdane (362 )


British Honduras Sc 40 1891 3c brown Victoria stamp mint

British Honduras  Scott Catalogue number 40 1891 3 cent brown Victoria stamp.Mnt, very good to fine original gum  hinged .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for yo...

8.75 CAD
fatdane (362 )


British Honduras Sc 39 1891 2c carmine rose Victoria stamp mint

British Honduras  Scott Catalogue number 39 1891 2 cent carmine rose Victoria stamp.Mnt, very good to fine original gum  hinged .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST...

3.90 CAD
fatdane (362 )


British Honduras Sc 38 1891 1c green Victoria stamp mint

British Honduras  Scott Catalogue number 38 1891 1 cent green Victoria stamp.Mnt, very good to fine original gum  hinged .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for yo...

2.60 CAD
fatdane (362 )


British Honduras Sc 37 1891 15 c on 6 c on 3d Victoria stamp mint

British Honduras  Scott Catalogue number 37 1891 25c on 6 cent  on 3d blue Victoria stamp.Mnt, very good to fine original gum  hinged .Canadian Customers - I pay the ...

13.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


British Honduras Sc 36 1891 6 c on 3d Victoria stamp mint

British Honduras  Scott Catalogue number 36 1891 6 cent  on 3d blue Victoria stamp.Mnt, very good to fine original gum  hinged .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST...

5.25 CAD
fatdane (362 )


British Honduras Sc 35 1891 5c on 3 c on 3d Victoria stamp mint

British Honduras  Scott Catalogue number 35 1891 5 cent on 3 cent on 3d brown Victoria stamp.Mnt, very good to fine original gum  hinged .Canadian Customers - I pay the...

1.40 CAD
fatdane (362 )


British Honduras Sc 33-4 1891 6c on 10 c on 4d Victoria stamps mint

British Honduras  Scott Catalogue number 33-34 1891 6 cent on 10 cent on 4d Victoria stamps.Mnt, very good to fine original gum  hinged .Canadian Customers - I pay the...

4.30 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Malta Sc 1133 2003 50th Anniversary Coronation QE II stamp sheet mint NH

Malta Scott Catalogue number 1133 2003 50th Anniversaary Coronation of QW II stamp souvenir sheet .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged  .Canadian Customers...

4.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Great Britain Scott 2279 2005 Royal Wedding Prince Charles stamp sheet mint NH

Great Britain Scott Catalogue number 2279 2005 Royal Wedding Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles stamp souvenir sheet.Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never h...

4.80 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Jersey Sc 824 1997 Golden Wedding Anniversary QE II & Prince Philip stamp sheet NH

Jersey Scott Catalogue number 824 1997 Golden Wedding Anniversary QE II & Prince Philip stamp souvenir sheet .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged .Membe...

3.60 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Great Britain Scott 1942 2000 Stamp Show QE II stamp sheet mint NH

Great Britain Scott Catalogue number 1942 QE II Stamp Show 2000 stamp souvenir sheet.Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged.Canadian Customers - I pay the GS...

8.60 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Danish West Indies Sc 50 1908 50 bit Frederik VIII stamp used

Danish West Indies Scott Catalogue number 50 1908 50 bit yellow & brown Frederik VIII stampUsed, very good to fine.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on your purc...

11.15 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Danish West Indies Sc 44 1908 10 bit Frederik VIII stamp used

Danish West Indies Scott Catalogue number 44 1908 10 bit red Frederik VIII stampUsed, very good.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on your purchases from me .

1.70 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Danish West Indies Sc 34 1905 25 bit Christian IX stamp used

Danish West Indies Scott Catalogue number 34 1905 25 bit ultramarine Christian IX stampUsed, very good to fine.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on your purchases fr...

7.75 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Danish West Indies Sc 34 1905 25 bit Christian IX stamp used

Danish West Indies Scott Catalogue number 34 1905 25 bit ultramarine Christian IX stampUsed, very good to fine.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on your purchases fr...

7.75 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Danish West Indies Sc 36 1905 50 bit Christian IX stamp used

Danish West Indies Scott Catalogue number 36 1905 50 bit yellow & gray Christian IX stampUsed, fine to fine plus.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on your purcha...

8.25 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Danish West Indies Sc 35 1905 40 bit Christian IX stamp used

Danish West Indies Scott Catalogue number 35 1905 40 bit red & gray Christian IX stampUsed, fine to fine plus.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on your purchases...

8.25 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Danish West Indies Sc 33 1905 20 b green & blue Christian IX stamp mint

Danish West Indies Scott Catalogue number 32 1905 20 bit green & blue Christian IX stamp.Mint, fine original gum hinged  .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on y...

6.85 CAD
fatdane (362 )