Listings from 'iekphilatelics'
Unused Advertising Cover THE ROBERT SIMPSON EASTERN LIMITED Halifax N. S.
Unused Advertising Cover THE ROBERT SIMPSON EASTERN LIMITED Halifax N. S.
iekphilatelics (0)
1942 Montreal, Quebec 3 cents Meter on a Brandram-Henderson Ltd. Paints cover
A Brandram-Henderson Ltd. Paints Cover with a 3 cents 1942 Montreal, Quebec Meter - dated Jan. 13 '42
iekphilatelics (0)
1938 First Flight Cover AAMC 3805c Vancouver Canada to Winnipeg Scott # C5
1938 First Flight Cover AAMC #3805c Vancouver, Canada to Winnipeg tied to Scott / Unitrade # C5
iekphilatelics (0)
Canada - Scott / Unitrade #37 Used F-VF Small Queen Issue
Scott / Unitrade #37 Used (.03 cents Orange Red) Very Fine - FineIssued on March 1, 18732020 Unitrade Catalogue Value as Fine $1.252020 Unitrade Catalogue Value as Very F...
iekphilatelics (0)
Vancouver British Columbia Postcard Stanley Park Indian Totem Poles
Vancouver British Columbia Postcard Stanley Park Indian Totem Polesposted circa 1950 - standard size - colour - divided back Publisher:: The Coast Publishing CompanyP...
iekphilatelics (0)
British Columbia Revenue Law Stamp - Van Dam # BCL4 - Used
British Columbia Revenue Law Stamp1979 - 80 First Series $1.00 BlueVan Dam #BCL41922 Van Dam Catalogue Value $22.50
iekphilatelics (0)
Dresden Ontario (Kent County) Postcard Christ Church and Cenotaph Unposted
Dresden Ontario (Kent County) Postcard Christ Church and Cenotaphunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher:: Photogelatine Engraving C...
iekphilatelics (0)
Toronto Ontario Postcard General Hospital Unposted
Toronto Ontario Postcard General Hospitalunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher:: Valentine & Sons United Publishing Co. Limited,...
iekphilatelics (0)
Cuba "Bohios" or Thatched Huts Unposted
Cuba "Bohios" or Thatched Huts unposted - standard size - linen - colour - divided backPostcard is in Very Good / Excellent condition
iekphilatelics (0)
Peterborough Ontario Postcard St. Peter's Church Unposted
Peterborough Ontario Postcard St. Peter's Churchunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher:: Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd. TorontoPost...
iekphilatelics (0)
London Ontario Postcard Dominion Public Building Unposted
London Ontario Postcard Dominion Public Building unposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher:: Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd. TorontoPo...
iekphilatelics (0)
Kingston Ontario County House Unposted
Kingston Ontario County Houseunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher:: Valentine - Black Co. Ltd., Toronto, CanadaPostcard is in Very ...
iekphilatelics (0)
Caledonia Ontario Postcard High and School Unposted
Caledonia Ontario Postcard High and Schoolunposted - standard size - black and white - divided backPublisher:: Carman and Company, Caledonia - made in GermanyPostcard ...
iekphilatelics (0)
North Bay Ontario Postcard Pro Cathedral of the Assumption Unposted
North Bay Ontario Postcard Pro Cathedral of the Assumptionunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher:: Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd. T...
iekphilatelics (0)
New York City New York Postcard Hotel Chesterfield Unposted
New York City New York Postcard Hotel Chesterfieldunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher:: Lumitone Photoprint, New YorkPostcard is in V...
iekphilatelics (0)
Canada - Scott / Unitrade #215 MNH VF Windsor Castle
Scott / Unitrade #215 MNH VF (.10 cents Green) Very Fine Issued on May 4, 19352020 Unitrade Catalogue Value as Fine $18.002020 Unitrade Catalogue Value as Very Fine $9....
iekphilatelics (0)
BANGLADESH Scott # 145 - 148a Coronation of Q. E. 25th Anniv. MNH F-VF
BANGLADISH Scott # 145 - 148a MNH, F-VFTopical: Coronation of Queen Elizabeth 25th Anniv.Date of Issue: May 20, 1978
iekphilatelics (0)
BANGLADESH Scott # 197 - 198a Q. E. Mother 80th Birthday MNH F-VF
BANGLADISH Scott # 197- 198a MNH, F-VFTopical: Queen Elizabeth Mother 80th BirthdayDate of Issue: March 16, 1981
iekphilatelics (0)
ICELAND Scott # C21 - C28 MH F-VF
ICELAND Scott # C21 - C28 MH, F-VFDate of Issue: August 18, 1947
iekphilatelics (0)