Listings from 'iekphilatelics'

74 listings found. Showing results 1 to 20
Unused Advertising Cover THE ROBERT SIMPSON EASTERN LIMITED Halifax N. S.

Unused Advertising Cover THE ROBERT SIMPSON EASTERN LIMITED Halifax N. S.

15.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


1942 Montreal, Quebec 3 cents Meter on a Brandram-Henderson Ltd. Paints cover

A Brandram-Henderson Ltd. Paints Cover with a 3 cents 1942 Montreal, Quebec Meter - dated Jan. 13 '42

15.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


1938 First Flight Cover AAMC 3805c Vancouver Canada to Winnipeg Scott # C5

1938 First Flight Cover AAMC #3805c Vancouver, Canada to Winnipeg tied to Scott / Unitrade # C5

40.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


Canada - Scott / Unitrade #37 Used F-VF Small Queen Issue

Scott / Unitrade #37 Used (.03 cents Orange Red) Very Fine - FineIssued on March 1, 18732020 Unitrade Catalogue Value as Fine $1.252020 Unitrade Catalogue Value as Very F...

1.49 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


Vancouver British Columbia Postcard Stanley Park Indian Totem Poles

Vancouver British Columbia Postcard Stanley Park Indian Totem Polesposted circa 1950 - standard size - colour - divided back Publisher::  The Coast Publishing CompanyP...

4.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


British Columbia Revenue Law Stamp - Van Dam # BCL4 - Used

British Columbia Revenue Law Stamp1979 - 80 First Series $1.00 BlueVan Dam #BCL41922 Van Dam Catalogue Value $22.50

13.49 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


Dresden Ontario (Kent County) Postcard Christ Church and Cenotaph Unposted

Dresden Ontario (Kent County)  Postcard Christ Church and Cenotaphunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher::  Photogelatine Engraving C...

5.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


Toronto Ontario Postcard General Hospital Unposted

Toronto Ontario Postcard General Hospitalunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher::  Valentine & Sons United Publishing Co. Limited,...

4.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


Cuba "Bohios" or Thatched Huts Unposted

Cuba "Bohios" or Thatched Huts unposted - standard size - linen - colour - divided backPostcard is in Very Good / Excellent condition

4.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


Peterborough Ontario Postcard St. Peter's Church Unposted

Peterborough Ontario Postcard St. Peter's Churchunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher::  Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd. TorontoPost...

4.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


London Ontario Postcard Dominion Public Building Unposted

London Ontario Postcard Dominion Public Building unposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher::  Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd. TorontoPo...

4.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


Kingston Ontario County House Unposted

Kingston Ontario County Houseunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher::  Valentine - Black Co. Ltd., Toronto, CanadaPostcard is in Very ...

4.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


Caledonia Ontario Postcard High and School Unposted

Caledonia Ontario Postcard High and Schoolunposted - standard size - black and white - divided backPublisher::  Carman and Company, Caledonia - made in GermanyPostcard ...

5.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


North Bay Ontario Postcard Pro Cathedral of the Assumption Unposted

North Bay Ontario Postcard Pro Cathedral of the Assumptionunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher::  Photogelatine Engraving Co. Ltd. T...

4.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


New York City New York Postcard Hotel Chesterfield Unposted

New York City New York Postcard Hotel Chesterfieldunposted - standard size - colour - white border - divided backPublisher:: Lumitone Photoprint, New YorkPostcard is in V...

4.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


Slogan Cancel - Coutt's # 1710

Slogan Cancel - Coutt's # 1710

4.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


Canada - Scott / Unitrade #215 MNH VF Windsor Castle

Scott / Unitrade #215 MNH VF (.10 cents Green) Very Fine Issued on May 4, 19352020 Unitrade Catalogue Value as Fine $18.002020 Unitrade Catalogue Value as Very Fine $9....

10.99 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


BANGLADESH Scott # 145 - 148a Coronation of Q. E. 25th Anniv. MNH F-VF

BANGLADISH Scott # 145 - 148a  MNH, F-VFTopical: Coronation of Queen Elizabeth 25th Anniv.Date of Issue: May 20, 1978

3.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


BANGLADESH Scott # 197 - 198a Q. E. Mother 80th Birthday MNH F-VF

BANGLADISH Scott # 197- 198a  MNH, F-VFTopical: Queen Elizabeth Mother 80th BirthdayDate of Issue: March 16, 1981

4.50 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


ICELAND Scott # C21 - C28 MH F-VF

ICELAND Scott # C21 - C28  MH, F-VFDate of Issue: August 18, 1947

4.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)