Browse Listings
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Canada-10692 - 2c KGV medallion + 10c Cartier registered - Wentworth County -
Scan #10692 - 2c KGV medallion + 10c Cartier registered - Wentworth County - Hamilton, Ont - Nov 25 1933 - CC "Richardson, Ferrie & ...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#10775 - 7c airmail on first flight Ottawa to Washington - Ottawa, Ont -
Scan #10775 - 7c airmail on first flight Ottawa to Washington - Ottawa, Ont - Ap 15 1946 -Â Member of the Canadian Stamp ...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#11070 - 1c Edward on p/c- Middlesex County - Coldstream, Ont single b
Scan #11070 - 1c Edward on p/c- Middlesex County - Coldstream, Ont single broken circle - Jul 3 1911 - Â Â Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Associatio...
donslau (1 )
Newfoundland-#11273 - 5c Caribou + 4c Princess Elizabeth on registered envelope with r
Scan #11273 - 5c Caribou + 4c Princess Elizabeth on registered envelope with rounded flap [RE1] - Jersey Side Placentia, NEWF'D - No 25 1940 -Â Â...
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Canada-#9574-5c KGV medallion-Sweden-New Westminister,BC-Nov 30 1934-5c franking
#9574-5c KGV medallion-Sweden-New Westminist...
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Canada-Unitrade#FWH4-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Ducks-1988
Canada-Unitrade#FWH4-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Ducks-1988 Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector s...
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Canada-#11531 - 2c KGV arch [ Die II ] on advertising cover "Equitable Fire Insuran
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Canada-#11942 - 10c Mount Hurd + 2c KGV scroll registered cover - Grey County
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Newfoundland-#2104c-1c Codfish + 4c Coronation - St. John's - 12 May 1937 -
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Newfoundland-#2529 - 5c (4) Caribou reg'd- St. John's-Jul 9 1932-perf 13.8 X 13.8 , Die I
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Newfoundland-#2105a - 3c Caribou-St. John's-Ap 22 1921- corner off envelope -
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Newfoundland-#2540a - 5c Queen Victoria EN2 - Bell Island Mines / Bell Island Newfd - Mr
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Newfoundland-#2543b - used p/c - Petries Point , Bay of Islands ,Newfoundland-Evanston
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Newfoundland-#2543c - 5c Queen Victoria EN2 - oval cancel for Postal telegraphs ? 1936
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Newfoundland-#3042b -5c Caribou - Goose Airport , Labrador - Sep 27 1943 -
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Newfoundland-#3251 - 5c Caribou dark violet Die I - St. John's , N'FLD - Apr 27 1933 - Pr
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Newfoundland-Scan #3266 - 7c Queen Mary + 2c KGVI - St. John's , NEWFOUNDLAND - 4 Mch 1
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Newfoundland-#3267 - 2c KGV+5c Caribou-St.Johns,N'FLD-Jan 5 1932-"Prevent Forest Fir
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Newfoundland-#3275 - 5c Caribou+4c Princess Elizabeth-St.Johns,NEWFOUNDLAND-24
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Newfoundland-#3278 - 7c Airmail view of St. John's - St. John's NFLD / Airmail - Oct 6
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Newfoundland-#3268 - 1c (5) Codfish - St. John's , NEWFOUNDLAND - 25 Nov 1941 -Save
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Newfoundland-#5272 - 2c KGVI + 3c Queen Elizabeth - Fortune , NEWF'D - Ap 12 1945 -
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