Browse Listings in Post Cards
Public School, Moose Jaw Black & White Picture Post Card
Public School, Moose Jaw, Sask., black and white picture post card, divided back, unused, very fine
jsheffie (11 )
Colour PC Down Cascade Canon Cascade City used 190? to Toronto
A colour post card showing Down Casscade Canon, Cann City, B.C. used to Toronto Edward VII 1 cent stamp .sc23-7-38.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
PECO Black & White PC Pulpit in Old Church at Grand Pre, Nova Scotia unused
A PECO Black & White post card showing Pulpit in Old Church at Grand Pre, Nova Scotia unused.sc23-7-47.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Colourized RPPC CPR Transcanada Limited near Field, B.C. unused
A Colourized eal photo post card showing CPR Transcanada Limited near Field, B.C. unused .sc23-5-2.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Colour PC Mt Stephen House, Field B.C. addressed but not mailed
A colour post card showing Mt Stephen House, Field BC,on Line Can. Pac. RY addressed but not sentsc23-7-27.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Valentine & Sons colour PC Driveway Victoria Park Truru, NS used to N.H.
A Valentine & Son's colour post card showing Driveway, Victoria Park, Truro, N.S used in Geroge V Admiral stamp era to New Hampshire .sc23-7-46.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Valentine & Sons colour PC Post Office Victoria, B.C. used 1908 to Washington State
A Valentine & Sons Color post card showing Post Office, Victoria, B.C. used 1908 to Washington Statesc23-7-43.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Colour PC Joan Crescent Victoria, B.C. unused
A colour post card showing Joan Crescent, Victoria B.C. unusedsc23-7-42.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Colour PC Inner Harbour & CPR Docks Victoria, B.C. unused
A colour post card showing , Inner Harbour & c.P.R. Docks, Victoria B.C. unusedsc23-7-40.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Valantine-Black colour postcard Parliament Buildings Ottawa used 1928 to Madison, Wis.
A Valentine-Black colour post card showing Glimpse of Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, Canada used 1928 Ottawa to Madison, Wisc .sc23-5-6.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Linen era Colour postcard Parliament Buildings & Mounty, Ottawa unused
A linen era colour post card showing Parliament Buildings & Mounty Ottawa, Canada unused .sc23-5-10.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
PECO Linen era Colour postcard Parliament Buildings, Ottawa unused
A PECO linen era colour post card showing Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, Canada unused .sc23-5-8.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Colour postcard Parliament Hill, Ottawa used 1906 to Clinton, Iowa
A Colour post card showing Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada used 1906 to Clinton, Iowa stamp removed ,sc23-5-7.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Colour PC Assiniboine Park Pavilion, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A Linen era Valantine Edy colour postcard showing the Assiniboine Park Pavilion, Winnipeg, Manitoba, unused.sc21-12-20.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
PECO Linen era Colour PC Bridge at St Thomas, Ontario unused
A PECO linen era colour postcard showing a bridge in St Thomas, Ontario , unused.sc21-12-27.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Colour PC Shady Homes, Lambeth, Ont., Canada unused
A Colour postcard showing Shady Homes, Lambeth, Ont, Canada unused.sc22-9-7.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Valentine-Black Colour PC Springbank Park, London, Ontario unused
A Valentine-Black colour postcard showing Springbank Park, London, Ontario, Canada , unused.sc21-12-26.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Valentine & Sons Colour Postcard Parliament Bldg used 1911 to Brooklyn, NY
A Valentine & Sons colour post card showing General view of Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, used 1911Ottawa to Brooklyn, NY.sc23-5-3.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
PECO Linen era Colour postcard Air View Fort William, Ontario unused
A PECO linen era colour post card showing an Air View Business Section, Fort William, Ontario , Canada unused .sc23-5-1.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Valantine-Black colour postcard Library, Parliament Bldgs Ottawa used 1931 to Salem, MA
A Valentine-Black colour post card showing the Library. Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, used 1931 Ottawa to Salem, Mass .sc23-5-5.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Valantine-Black Linen era colour postcard Peace Tower Ottawa unused
A Valentine-Black linen era colour post card showing Peace Tower Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, unused .sc23-5-4.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
PECO Linen era Colour postcard Parliament Buildings from Nepean Point, Ottawa unused
A PECO linen era colour post card showing Parliament Buildings from Neepean Point, Ottawa, Canada unused .sc23-5-9.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Colour PC Administration Bldg, University of Manitba, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A Linen era Valantine-Black colour postcard showing the Administration Building, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, unused.sc21-12-22.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Valentine & Sons Colour Postcard Parliament Bldg used 1911 to Brooklyn, NY
A Valentine & Sons colour post card showing General view of Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, used 1911Ottawa to Brooklyn, NY.sc23-5-3.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
B & W PC In the Heart of the Selkirks, B.C. ,unused
A early Black & White Postcard showing In the Heart of the Selkirks, BC , unusedT20-1-23.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC Mt Sir Donald & Snow Slide Glacier BC on Line Can Pac Ry ,unused
A early colour Postcard showing Mt Sir Donald and Snow Slide-Glacier, B.C. on Line Can. Pac. Ry Canada unused bit of corner wear.T20-1-17.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC Mountain View undiivied back used 1906 to Seafoth, Ont
Aundivided back colour postcard showing a mountain view, used London, Ont 1906 to Seaforth Ontario some staining on lower right back.Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associa...
fatdane (362 )
Bridge at Island Par, Toronto
Canada #97 Toronto cds cancel to Woodington House, Muskoka with receiver, front of card, Bridge at Island Park, Toronto (Valentine 101809)(33715Terms and Conditions: All...
jsheffie (11 )
Colour Letter PC Flower Baskets & Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. unused
A colour letter -postcard showing Flower Baskets and Parliament Buildings, Victoria B.C Canada unused. This card opened ( 4 sides) leaving space for a message on the ...
fatdane (362 )
Colour Letter PC Legistaure & Flowers, Victoria B.C. used 1953
A colour letter -postcard showing The Legislature, Victoria, B.C Canada used 1953 Victoria to Leamington, Ontario. This card opened ( 4 sides) leaving space for a messa...
fatdane (362 )
Chrome Colour PC Fourth Avenue, Whitehorse, Y.T. unused
A Chrome Era colour postcard showing Fourth Avenue, Whitehorse Yukon Territory, unused,initials in ink on back.Canadian buyers - I pay the GST/HST for you.
fatdane (362 )
Chrome Colour PC Ship at Carcross, Yukon used 1985
A ChromeEra colour postcard showing Carcross, Yukon Territory, used 1985 Whitehorse to Etobicoke, Ont some light corner bendsCanadian buyers - I pay the GST/HST for you...
fatdane (362 )
Linen era PECO Colour PC Lake Shore Road Riding Mtn Park, Manitoba unused
A Linen Era colour postcard showing Lake Shore Road, Riding Mountain Park, Manitoba, Canada unusedCanadian buyers - I pay the GST/HST for you.
fatdane (362 )
Linen era colour PC Hudson's Bay Co Store, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A Linen era colour postcard showing Hudson's bay Company Store, Winnipeg, Manitoba, unusedCanadian buyers - I pay the GST/HST for you.
fatdane (362 )
Early colour PC Valentine & Sons City Hall Union Bank Winnipeg, Manitoba used
A early Valentine & Sons colour postcard showing City Hall and Union Bank Building, Winnipeg, used in Edward VII era to Milverton Ontario but no date showing on any...
fatdane (362 )
Canada 1962 Transatlantic Post Card Returned
Canada #397, 1962 5¢ Red River Settlement issue tied by Winnipeg 430PM/10 VII/1962 slogan cancel to Germany, marked UNKNOWN with label and returned. Very fine with great...
jsheffie (11 )
#90 on Black & White Post Card to Ireland
Canada #90, 2¢ carmine King Edward VII issue tied by machine cancel Winnipeg JUN 13/12:30 PM 19?? to Ireland, very fine
jsheffie (11 )
#90 Picture Post Card to Belgium
Canada #90, 2¢ carmine King Edward VII issue tied by Esterhazy, Sask AM/FE 16/09 cancel to Belgium, very fine with a great group of cancels on face
jsheffie (11 )
Valentine & SonsColour PC Big Cedar Stanley Park used 1911
A Valantine & Sons colour postcard showing the Big Cedar Tree from the Driveway, Stanley Park, B.C. used 1911 Vancouver to Jackson, Michigan, stamp removed .sc23-...
fatdane (362 )
Valentine & Sons Colour PC Stanley Park view used 1909
A Valantine & Sons colour postcard showing tha View Stanley Park, B.C. used 1909 Vancouver to Bolsover, Ont.sc23-7-36.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Valentine & Sons Colour PC Governement Building, Victoria, B.C. used 1909
A Valantine & Sons colour postcard showing Governement Building ( Main Entrance), Victoria, B.C. used 1909 Victoria, B.C. to Ottawa, Ont.sc23-7-37.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Valentine & Sons Colour PC Mt burgess Emerald Lake near Field used
A Valantine & Sons colour postcard showing Mt Burgess, Emerald Lake, near Field Canadian Rockies, used 1911 Lindsay, Ont to Lindsay, Ont.sc23-7-29.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Valentine & Sons Colour PC Cascade Glacier Eagle Peak used 1912
A Valantine & Sons colour postcard showing The Cascade at Glacier and Eagle Peak, Canadian Rockies, used 1912 Sarnia, Ont to Stockdale, Ont.sc23-7-30.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Valentine & Sons Colour PC lake at Beacon Hill Park Victoria, B.C. unused
A Valantine & Sons colour postcard showing Lake at Beacon Hill Park, Vicoria, B.C., unusedsc23-7-33.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Valentine & Sons Colour PC Belmont Bldg Union Club Empress Hotel, Victoria B.C. used
A Valantine & Sons colour postcard showing Belmont Building, Union Club,and Empress Hoyel, Victoria, B.C. used 1920 Victoria to Mass.sc23-7-28.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC Cariboo Bridge Fraser Canyon used 1910
A colour postcard showing Cariboo Bridge, Fraserr Canyon, used 1910 from Chatham, Ontario to London, Ontario, some corner wearsc23-7-32.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC Hastings Street Vancouver B.C. used 1927
A colour postcard showing Hastings Street Vancouver, B.C. used 1927 Vancouver to Philadelphi PA, some corner wear & stamp removedsc23-7-35.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Battleford, Sask Black & White Picture Postcard
First Ave. Looking North, Battleford, Sask., black and white picture Warwick Bros & Rutter post card, unused, divide back, very fine
jsheffie (11 )
Imperial, Saskatchewan Real Photo Postcard
Imperial Hotel, pencil notation on reverse has identified as Imperial, Sask. Real photo postcard, unused, divided back, very fine
jsheffie (11 )
Colour PECO PC Place d"Armes, Quebec, P.Q. unused
A linen era PECO colour postcard showing Place d'Armes, Quebec, P.Q., Canada, ususedsc19-12-19.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Early Colour PC Montmorency Falls, Quebec unused
A early colour postcard showing Montmorency Falls, Quebec, unused, some corner wear and one light corner bend, probably pre World War I.sc19-12-18.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Early Colour PC Quebec, Canada The Ramparts
A early colour postcard showing Quebec, Canada The Ramparts, Scenes along the Route of the Canada Steamship Lines Limited, unused.sc19-12-17.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC Mac Donald Park, Kingston Ont undivided back used 1905
A early undivided back colour postcard showing Mac Donald Park, Kingston, Ont used 1905 to Lochaber Bay, Que.sc19-12-16.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC SS Assiniboia at Sault Ste Marie, Ontario unused
A linen era colour postcard showing S.S Assiniboia at Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, unused but back has album remnants on it.sc19-12-15.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC Stream in the Woods Ontario used
A chrome colour postcard showing stream in the woods, used 1969 from Parry Sound, Ontario to Hamilton, Ont.sc19-12-14.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC Laurier Bridge & Rideau Canal Ottawa used 1906
A colour postcard showing Laurier Bridge & Rideau Canal, Ottawa, used 1906 Montreal to Elmira N.Y. some corner wear.sc19-12-13.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Early Colour undivided back PC City Hall, Monument, Street Car ,Winnipeg, Man unused
A early colour undiivided back post card shweing City Hall, Volunteer Monument, & Street Car, Winnipeg, Manitoba, unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associati...
fatdane (362 )
Linen era PECO colour PC Aerial View of Winnipeg, Man unused
A Linen era PECO colour postcard showing an Aerial View of Winnipeg, Manitoba, unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over $50 g...
fatdane (362 )
Linen era Valentine Black colour PC Provincial Parliament Building Winnipeg, Man unused
A Linen era colour postcard showing the Provincial Parliament Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba, unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchase...
fatdane (362 )
Linen era colour PC New Federal Building Winnipeg used 1938
A Linen era colour postcard showing the New Federal Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba, used 1938 from Winnipeg to Toronto, Ontario.Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association...
fatdane (362 )
Black & White PC Picnic Grounds Dominion Experimetal Farm, Ottawa unused
A Bllack & White Post Card showing Picnic Grounds, Dominion experimenntal Farm, Ottawa, unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases ...
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC Government Driveway, Ottawa unused
A Colour Post Card showing Government Driveway, Ottawa, unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over $50 going to Canada or the USA ...
fatdane (362 )
Black & White PC Miette Hot Spprings, Jasper Park, unused
A black & white postcard showing Miette Hot Springs, Jasper Park, unusedMember Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over $50 going to Canada...
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC Lady Evelyn Lake on Line of CPR, unused
A colour postcard showing Lady Evelyn Lake on Line of C.P.R., unused some corne wear .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over $50 going...
fatdane (362 )
Valentine & Sons Colour Banff Hotel & Bow River at night, unused
A Valentine & Sons colour postcard showing Banff Hotel & Bow River at night, unused some minor corner wear .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shippi...
fatdane (362 )
Valentine & Sons Colour PC Valley of the Ten Peaks Laggan, Alberta at night, unused
A Valentine & Sons colour postcard showing Valley of the Ten Peaks, Laggan, Alberta at night, unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purc...
fatdane (362 )
London Ontario Colour PC Slippery the Seal Storybook Gardens unused
A Chrome Era colour postcard showing Slippery Cyril & Lonesome Seals, Storybook Gardens at Springbank Park, London, Ontario. Unused . Slippery escaped from the Pool...
fatdane (362 )
London Ontario Colour PC 3 Bears & Goldilocks Storybook Gardens unused
A Chrome Era colour postcard showing Goldilocks & the Three Bears, Storybook Gardens at Springbank Park, London, Ontario. UnusedCanadian Customers - I pay the GST or ...
fatdane (362 )
London Ontario Colour PC Friars Cellar usued
A Chrome Era colour postcard advertising the Friar's Cellar, Wellington House, London, Ontario. UnusedCanadian Customers - I pay the GST or HST on your purchases...
fatdane (362 )
London Ontario Colour PC Carousel Inn usued
A Chrome Era colour postcard advertising the Carousel Inn, Wellington Road, London, Ontario. UnusedCanadian Customers - I pay the GST or HST on your purchases.sc19-10-5.j...
fatdane (362 )
London Ontario Colour PC Holiday Inn London Ontario usued
A Chrome Era colour postcard advertising the London, Ontario, downtown Holiday Inn. UnusedCanadian Customers - I pay the GST or HST on your purchases.sc19-10-1.jpg
fatdane (362 )
London Ontario PECO Colour PC Courthouse London Ontario used
A Lineen Era PECO Colour postcard showing the Courthouse, London, Ontario. Used 1941 London to Detroit, Michigan.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST or HST on your purchas...
fatdane (362 )
London Ontario Valentine & Sons Colour PC St Pauls Cathedral used
A Valentine & Sons Colour postcard showing St Paul's Cathedral and Cronyn Hall, London, Ontario. Used 1909 to Chiicago, crease lower right cornerCanadian Cu...
fatdane (362 )
London Ontario Tuck & Sons Colour PC Richmond Street used
A Tuck & Sons Colour postcard showing Richmond Street, London, Ontario. Message and Address writen on back but apparently not mailed .Canadian Customers - I pay t...
fatdane (362 )
Black & White RPPC The Great Divide, British Columbia-Alberta unused
Black & white real photo post card The Great Divide, British Columbia- Alberta unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over $50 ...
fatdane (362 )
Black & White RPPC Banff Springs Hotel, Alberta unused
Black & white real photo post card Banff Springs Hotel, Alberta unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over $50 going to Canada...
fatdane (362 )
Black & White RPPC Castle Mtn Banff Raiway Tracks unused
Black & white real photo post card Castle Mountain, Banff, Alberta, Raiway Tracks, unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over ...
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC Parliament Building, Victoria, B.C, unused
As Colour postcard showing Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C., Canada unusedsc19-12-6.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC view to Point Grey from North Shore, Vancouver, B.C. unused
As Colour postcard showing View looking out to Point Grey, from North Shore Marine Drive, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, unusedsc19-12-3.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC Night View Vancouver Vancouver used Edward VII era
As Colour postcard showing a Night View of Vancouver Harbor, Vancouver, B.C., used, Edward VII stamp to Quebec some edge wear.sc19-12-2.jpg
fatdane (362 )