Recently Listed Listings in Postal History

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Canada-#12870 - 5c KGV medallion - Glace Bay, NS - Jun 29 1935 - 5c franking p

Scan #12870 - 5c KGV medallion - Glace Bay, NS - Jun 29 1935 - 5c franking pays the double domestic latter rate [ 3c + 2c ] -   Member of the Canadian ...

10.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Newfoundland-#11262 - 1c Cod + 4c(2) Princess Elizabeth on registered envelope with

Scan #11262 - 1c Cod + 4c(2) Princess Elizabeth on registered envelope with rounded flap [RE1] - Cottrell's Cove Green Bay, NEWF'D -   ...

44.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#12550 - 2c KGV scroll - Toronto, Ont slogan cancel [Centenary Celebration

  Scan #12550 - 2c KGV scroll - Toronto, Ont slogan cancel [Centenary Celebration Toronto June 1930 Internat...

9.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#10838 - 5c Royal William on FDC [#204]- Victoria, BC - Aug 17 1933 -

Scan #10872 - 3c KGV medallion + 10c Cartier registered to USA - York County - Toronto, Ont Sub No.30 - Ap 27 1933 -        Member of the ...

9.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#10895 - 1c + 4c KGVI war-5c UPU rate to Switzerland - Brentwood Bay,

Scan #10895 - 1c + 4c KGVI war-5c UPU rate to Switzerland - Brentwood Bay, BC single broken circle - Jul 15 1943  - letter addressed to...

27.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


458 listings found. Showing results 1 to 10
Canada #CL47 Cover

Canada #CL47, 1929 10¢ black Commercial Airways issue, Edmonton 8  AM/May 31/1929 slogan cancel ties 2¢ green KGV Admiral coil b/s blue cachet AIR MAIL and Grande...

74.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


SFL Montreal

SFL straight line MONTREAL/14 FEB 14 to the Honorable Jonathan Sewell, Chief Justice, Quebec, m/s rated 9, fine-very fine(35405)Terms and Conditions: All items are as de...

24.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Slogan Cancel - Coutt's # 1710

Slogan Cancel - Coutt's # 1710

4.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


Canada-#7636-1c(2) KEVII on p/c Belgium-Victoria,BC-Jun 15 1910-Waerschoot-29 June 1910

#7636-1c(2) KEVII on p/c Belgium-Victoria,BC...

13.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#6699-20c Corvette+5c(2) KGVI war[ front only ]-Vancouver (blackout cancel),

#6699-20c Corvette+5c(2) KGVI war[ front onl...

8.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada- #7652-2c KEVII on postcard to Switzerland-Victoria,BC-Mar 6 1909 -

 #7652-2c KEVII on postcard to Switzerland-...

13.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#8016 3c Small Queen-British Columbia-Victoria,BC-Mr 20 1896-B/S Toronto Ap 3 1896

#8016 3c Small Queen-British Columbia-Victor...

11.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#8715-4c Admiral-p/c-Sechelt,BC-Mr 9 1929-4c UPU p/c rate to Vienna -

#8715-4c Admiral-p/c-Sechelt,BC-Mr 9 1929-4c...

26.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#8716-1c(2) Edward-p/c-Vancouver ,BC-Jan 13 1904-2c UPU p/c rate to Austria -

#8716-1c(2) Edward-p/c-Vancouver ,BC-Jan 13 ...

13.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#8728-2c[#181]+3c[#182] KGV coils-Victoria,BC-Mar 11 1933-cachet Santa Lucia first

#8728-2c[#181]+3c[#182] KGV coils-Victoria,B...

14.95 CAD
donslau (1 )