Browse Listings in Postal History

Featured Listings

Canada-#8438-3c Small Queen-fancy cancel-Leeds Cnty-Brockville,Ont sin

Scan #8438 - 3c Small Queen with fancy canc...

16.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#12822 - 8c Jet on First Flight Montreal to Vancouver [ AAMC 6607a ] -

Scan #12822 - 8c Jet on First Flight Montreal to Vancouver [ AAMC 6607a ] - Montreal AMF, PQ - 24 IV 1966 -    Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers...

9.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Scan #10527 - 3c Admiral on "John A Bruce and Co." advertising cover - Bridg

Scan #10527 - 3c Admiral on "John A Bruce and Co." advertising cover - Bridgeburg & Goderich RPO [ O 34 RF 105 ] - Ap 6 1920 -           ...

4.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#12499 - 1c(strip of 3 with plate number 365 on selvedge) Admirals on hotel cover- Toronto

 Scan #12499 - 1c(strip of 3 with plate number 365 on selvedge) Admirals on hotel cover- Toronto Ont, 1916 slogan cancel [ "Canadian National E...

16.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#12825 - 8c Jet on First Flight Montreal to New York City AMF [ AAMC 6609

Scan #12825 - 8c Jet on First Flight Montreal to New York City AMF [ AAMC 6609 ] - Montreal AMF, PQ - 24 IV 1966 -   Member of the...

9.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#12821 - 8c Jet on First Flight Montreal to Winnipeg [ AAMC 6607 ] - Mon

Scan #12821 - 8c Jet on First Flight Montreal to Winnipeg [ AAMC 6607 ] - Montreal AMF, PQ - 24 IV 1966 -    Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and hav...

9.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


457 listings found. Showing results 321 to 400
Canada-#10837 - 2c KGV medallion postal stationery with Illustrated advertising

Scan #10837 - 2c KGV medallion postal stationery with Illustrated advertising for "Geo. E. Lees & Co. - Manufacturing Jewelers" - Wentwo...

19.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#10838 - 5c Royal William on FDC [#204]- Victoria, BC - Aug 17 1933 -

Scan #10838 - 5c Royal William on FDC [#204]- Victoria, BC - Aug 17 1933  -     Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have be...

19.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11430 - 1c QV postcard - Lambton County - Inwood, Ont - Oc 15 1886 -

Scan #11430 - 1c QV postcard - Lambton County - Inwood, Ont - Oc 15 1886 -  Member of the Can...

2.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11431 - 2c Numeral - York County - Toronto, Ont 3 ring circle - Oct 29

Scan #11431 - 2c Numeral - York County - Toronto, Ont 3 ring circle - Oct 29 1902 -- CC "...

1.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11433 - 2c Admiral - Grey County - Meaford, Ont duplex - Jun 19 1913

Scan #11433 - 2c Admiral - Grey County - Meaford, Ont duplex - Jun 19 1913Member of the Canad...

2.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11438 - Stampless folded letter [ Constables certificate ] - Perth County

Scan #11438 - Stampless folded letter [ Constables certificate ] - Perth County - Mitchell, C...

23.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11452 - 5c meter #546956 on envelope - Dartmouth, NS - 17 XII 1968 -

Scan #11452 - 5c meter #546956 on envelope - Dartmouth, NS - 17 XII 1968 -  "Season&...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11453 - 3c meter #45142 on window envelope - Regina, Saskatchewan

Scan #11453 - 3c meter #45142 on window envelope - Regina, Saskatchewan - Sep 9 1944 -  ...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11454 - 5c meter #146954 on window envelope - Saskatoon, Sask -

Scan #11454 - 5c meter #146954 on window envelope - Saskatoon, Sask - 30...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Scan #11456 - 2c Numeral - Parry Sound District - Royston, Ont - Mar 18 1903

Scan #11456 - 2c Numeral - Parry Sound District - Roys...

4.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11406 - 2c KGV scroll - Wentworth County - Hamilton, Ont cds -slogan

Scan #11406 - 2c KGV scroll - Wentworth County - Hamilton, Ont cds -slogan cancel "Remember Firs...

4.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11415 - 5c Champlain on cacheted Rosecraft FDC - Carleton County - Ot

Scan #11415 - 5c Champlain on cacheted Rosecraft FDC - Carleton County - Ottawa, Ont - Jun 26 1958 ...

1.75 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11416 - 5c Oil Development on cacheted FDC - Carleton County - Otta

Scan #11416 - 5c Oil Development on cacheted FDC - Carleton County - Ottawa, Ont - Sep 10 1958 - ...

1.75 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11422 - 4c meter #40196 - Montreal, Quebec - 7 II 1958 - - CC "Phar

Scan #11422 - 4c meter #40196 - Montreal, Quebec - 7 II 1958 -  - CC "Pharmacie, Montreal...

3.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11394 - 2c Admiral on p/c- Grand Trunk Ry Stn / London, Ont [ DD28

Scan #11394 - 2c Admiral on p/c- Grand Trunk Ry Stn / London, Ont [ DD28 RF 130 ] - Au 9 1913 [ early date for hamm...

6.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11397 - 2c Numeral - Lambton County - Oakdale, Ont single broken circ

Scan #11397 - 2c Numeral - Lambton County - Oakdale, Ont single broken circle - Mr 27 1903 -   Member of the...

6.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11402 - 2c + 5c Medallion registered to USA - Berwick, NS - ? 193? - 7c

Scan #11402 - 2c + 5c Medallion registered to USA - Berwick, NS - ? 193?  - 7c franking pays the triple weight [...

7.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11403 - 3c Admiral - York County - Toronto, Ont cds - centre of hub is b

Scan #11403 - 3c Admiral - York County - Toronto, Ont cds - centre of hub is blank - M/S "June 23/24 No date...

11.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11404 - 1c KGVI postes/postage with precancel #4530 - York County

Scan #11404 - 1c KGVI postes/postage with precancel #4530 - York County - Toronto, Ont -   Member of...

3.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11405 - 1c KGV pictorial with precancel #4940-Essex Cnty-Windsor,

Scan #11405 - 1c KGV pictorial with precancel #4940-Essex Cnty-Windsor,Ont-   Member of the Canadi...

4.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11342 - 1c KGV pictorial precancel #4530 - York County - Toronto, Ont -

Scan #11342 - 1c KGV pictorial precancel #4530 - York County - Toronto, Ont - 1c franking pays the printed matter rate - -     Member of the Can...

10.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11348 - 1c KGVI war precancel #4530 - York County - Toronto, Ont -1c

Scan #11348 - 1c KGVI war precancel #4530 - York County - Toronto, Ont -1c franking pays the printed matter rate -    -     Member of th...

8.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11359 - 10c Great Bear Lake + 4c(2) KGVI war registered - York County -

Scan #11359 - 10c Great Bear Lake + 4c(2) KGVI war registered - York County - Toronto Deer Park, Ont - Sp 18 1946 -18c franking pays the 10c regi...

9.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11364 - 1c + 3c Admirals on Front only to England - Viking, Alta - My 10

Scan #11364 - 1c + 3c Admirals on Front only to England - Viking, Alta - My 10 1922 - 4c franking pays the Empire letter rate to England - ...

7.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11369 - 1c KEVII on postcard - York County - Toronto Junction, Ont singl

Scan #11369 - 1c KEVII on postcard - York County - Toronto Junction, Ont single broken circle - Mr 16 1908 - receiving cancel - Port Alber...

7.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11370 - 1c KEVII on p/c- Brant County - Tutela, Ont single broken circle

Scan #11370 - 1c KEVII on p/c- Brant County - Tutela, Ont single broken circle - Au 19 1909 -   Member of the Canadian Stamp Deal...

6.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11371 - 1c KEVII on p/c - York County - Laskay, Ont single broken circle

Scan #11371 - 1c KEVII on p/c - York County - Laskay, Ont single broken circle - De 24 1906 -   Member of the Canadian Stamp ...

5.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11373 - 1c KEVII on postcard - Frontenac County - Brewers Mills, Ont sin

Scan #11373 - 1c KEVII on postcard - Frontenac County - Brewers Mills, Ont single broken circle - Ju 25 1906 -viewside shows ...

5.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11377 - 2c KEVII - Huron County - Exeter, Ont cds - Jan 22 1909 -

Scan #11377 - 2c KEVII - Huron County - Exeter, Ont cds - Jan 22 1909 -    Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers...

2.25 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11393 - 2c Admiral on postcard - Grand Trunk Ry Stn / London, Ont [ DD

Scan #11393 - 2c Admiral on postcard - Grand Trunk Ry Stn / London, Ont [ DD28 RF 130 ] - Dec 24 1923 -    Me...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11226 - Stampless mourning cover - Glengarry County - Williamstown,

 Scan #11226 - Stampless mourning cover - Glengarry County - Wil...

33.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11227 - 1c +3c(3) Admirals to France - Meadow Lake, Sask - Au 19 1925 -

   Scan #11227 - 1c +3c(3) Admirals to France - Meadow Lake, S...

34.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11231 - Stampless to London, England - Montreal, LC double broken cir

    Scan #11231 - Stampless to London, England - Montreal, LC ...

64.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11232 - Stampless to London, England - Montreal, LC double broken cir

   Scan #11232 - Stampless to London, England - Montr...

39.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11233 - 4c Admiral to England-Kirk's Ferry, Que-single broken circle-"Sp

 Scan #11233 - 4c Admiral to England-Kirk's Ferry, Que-single broken circle-"Sp ? 1925 - receiving London SWI Sp 26 1925-M/S "Please Forward" wit...

24.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11310 - Stampless folded letter to James Pringle Esq, District Agent, Corn

Scan #11310 - Stampless folded letter to James Pringle Esq, District Agent, Cornwall [ Sir .... Information having been lodged in this office by Mr. Daniel Griffin wh...

44.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11314 - Stampless cover - Frontenac County - Kingston, CW single broke

Scan #11314 - Stampless cover - Frontenac County - Kingston, CW single broken circle - Ap 8 1865 - rated "Paid 5" [ paid ] - B/S Bowmanville, UC Apr 10 1865...

17.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11315 - Stampless cover - Frontenac County - Kingston, CW single broke

Scan #11315 - Stampless cover - Frontenac County - Kingston, CW single broken circle - Oc 8 1864 - rated "Paid 5" [ paid ] - B/S Bowmanville, UC Oc 10 1864 ...

17.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11331 - 2c(6) KGV scroll registered [ front only ] - York County - Toronto,

Scan #11331 - 2c(6) KGV scroll registered [ front only ] - York County - Toronto, Canada cds - Jn 22 1929 - 12c franking pays the 10c registration rate + 2c dome...

8.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Newfoundland-#11265 - 5c Caribou + 4c Princess Elizabeth on registered envelope with

Scan #11265 - 5c Caribou + 4c Princess Elizabeth on registered envelope with rounded flap [RE1] - Fredericton, NEWF'D - No 20 1940 -         ...

64.95 CAD
donslau (1 )