Browse Listings in Postal History

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Canada-10692 - 2c KGV medallion + 10c Cartier registered - Wentworth County -

Scan #10692 - 2c KGV medallion + 10c Cartier registered - Wentworth County - Hamilton, Ont - Nov 25 1933 - CC "Richardson, Ferrie & ...

11.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#12508 - 1c Admiral pair on postcard to Germany - Toronto Ont, Sub Post Office X

 Scan #12508 - 1c Admiral pair on postcard to Germany - Toronto Ont, Sub Post Office X - Au 27 1912 -      Member of the Canadia...

22.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada- #6138 - Stampless to Ottawa - Leeds Cty-Brockville,Ont-Sp 13

Scan #6138 - Stampless to Ottawa - Leeds Ct...

17.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada- #14324-1c QV p/c-Leeds cnty-Brockville Ont Squared circle-

Scan #14324-1c QV p/c-Leeds cnty-Brockville...

6.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#8848-3c KGVI War-CC illustrated "Canadian Pacific Express"-blackout

#8848-3c KGVI War-CC illustrated "Canad...

2.95 CAD
donslau (1 )



Scan #12829 - 1.80 Kcs Czech stamp on First Non-Stop Transatlantic flight on First Flight Prague to Montreal ...

9.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#8438-3c Small Queen-fancy cancel-Leeds Cnty-Brockville,Ont sin

Scan #8438 - 3c Small Queen with fancy canc...

16.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


457 listings found. Showing results 1 to 10
Unused Advertising Cover THE ROBERT SIMPSON EASTERN LIMITED Halifax N. S.

Unused Advertising Cover THE ROBERT SIMPSON EASTERN LIMITED Halifax N. S.

15.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


Canada 1933 Royal William First Day Cover

Canada #204, 1933 5¢ blue Royal William issue tied by First Day Cancel, Pictou N.S.AM/AU17/33, illustrated cover to Lambeth, Ontario, very fine.(33546)Terms and Conditio...

19.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Canada 1933 Royal William First Day Cover

Canada #204, 1933 5¢ blue Royal William issue tied by First Day Cancel, Pictou N.S.AM/AU17/33, illustrated cover to Lambeth, Ontario, very fine.(33546)Terms and Conditio...

19.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


1942 Montreal, Quebec 3 cents Meter on a Brandram-Henderson Ltd. Paints cover

A Brandram-Henderson Ltd. Paints Cover with a 3 cents 1942 Montreal, Quebec Meter - dated Jan. 13 '42

15.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


1938 First Flight Cover AAMC 3805c Vancouver Canada to Winnipeg Scott # C5

1938 First Flight Cover AAMC #3805c Vancouver, Canada to Winnipeg tied to Scott / Unitrade # C5

40.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


Canada #P46b Precancelled Advertising Postal Card

Canada #P46b, 1¢ orange King George V Admiral issue post card (type I, Die III) with private precancel (see Webb page 170, bottom), Reverse with multi-coloured advertisi...

74.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


SFL Montreal

SFL straight line MONTREAL/14 FEB 14 to the Honorable Jonathan Sewell, Chief Justice, Quebec, m/s rated 9, fine-very fine(35405)Terms and Conditions: All items are as de...

24.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Slogan Cancel - Coutt's # 1710

Slogan Cancel - Coutt's # 1710

4.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


Canada-#7636-1c(2) KEVII on p/c Belgium-Victoria,BC-Jun 15 1910-Waerschoot-29 June 1910

#7636-1c(2) KEVII on p/c Belgium-Victoria,BC...

13.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#6699-20c Corvette+5c(2) KGVI war[ front only ]-Vancouver (blackout cancel),

#6699-20c Corvette+5c(2) KGVI war[ front onl...

8.95 CAD
donslau (1 )