Browse Listings in Postal History
Featured Listings
Canada-#11927 - 5c Jamboree with a black cacheted FDC [#356]-Ottawa Ontario,Canada-Aug 20 1955-
donslau (1 )
Canada-#12437 - 2c Confederation - Newcastle, NB duplex [ DNB-99 ] - AM De 1
Scan #12437 - 2c Confederation - Newcastle, NB duplex [ DNB-99 ] - AM De 13 1927 - Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serv...
donslau (1 )
Newfoundland-#10422 - 1c Prince of Wales post card [P1], green creamy white - unused -
donslau (1 )
Canada-#8802-5c QEII Wilding-Victoria BC,Canada-Dec 5 1958CC Illustrated "The Stork and
#8802-5c QEII Wilding-Victoria BC,Canada-Dec...
donslau (1 )
Newfoundland-#2540a - 5c Queen Victoria EN2 - Bell Island Mines / Bell Island Newfd - Mr
donslau (1 )
Canada-#11024 - 1c KGV medallion to US - Falher, Alberta - Mr 8 1935 - M/S "4c
Scan #11024 - 1c KGV medallion to US - Falher, Alberta - Mr 8 1935 - M/S "4c due" - 1c franking underpays the 3c letter rate to US by 2c ...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#10935 - 5c KGV Ottawa Conference on FDC [#193] - Carlton County - O
Scan #10935 - 5c KGV Ottawa Conference on FDC [#193] - Carlton County - Ottawa, Ont - Ju1 12 1932 - Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have bee...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#12450 - 2c Confederation - Winnipeg, Man on front only - Jul 16 1927 -
Scan #12450 - 2c Confederation - Winnipeg, Man on front only - Jul 16 1927 - CC illustrated advertising "Bate & Bate Wholesale Drugs Winnipeg Canad...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#9944-10c Jack Pine+6c Vincent Massey airmail to Germany-Vancouver,BC
Scan#9944-10c Jack Pine+6c Vincent Massey ai...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#10404-5c pair KGV arch on AR card-Victoria BC, Canada-Jun 16 1932-Acknowledge of Receip
#10404-5c pair KGV arch on AR card-Victoria ...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#12016-1c(block of 4) Centennial on cover-Vancouver,BC-Mar 4 1968-4c
Scan#12016-1c(block of 4) Centennial on cove...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#11997-3c Jubilee-Rossland,BC cds-Sp 30 1897[office opened Mr 1 1895]
Scan#11997-3c Jubilee-Rossland,BC cds-Sp 30 ...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#12014-3c Jubilee-Vancouver,BC cds-Jy 5 1899-H/S Hamilton Carrier
Scan#12014-3c Jubilee-Vancouver,BC cds-Jy 5 ...
donslau (1 )
GB-#13528 - 1p red KEVII GB on p/c to "Vancouver City, British Columbia"
Scan#13528 - 1p red KEVII GB on p/c to "...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#13813-2c coil pair KGVI [#309] commercially used-Vancouver,BC-Au 4 1953
Scan#13813-2c coil pair KGVI [#309] commerci...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#14116 - 1c(2) Edward-llustrated Barron Hotel advert-Vancouver,BC-Mar 5 1912-$
Scan#14116 - 1c(2) Edward-llustrated Barron ...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#6253 -1c+2c KGV pictorial-Leeds Cnty-Toledo,Ont-Dec 16 1937 -
Scan#6253 -1c+2c KGV pictorial-Leeds Cnty-To...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#10593-1c+2c KGV pictorials-Leeds Cnty-Gananoque, Ont
Scan#10593-1c+2c KGV pictorials-Leeds Cnty-G...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#8330-3c Small Queen-Leeds Cty-Glen Buell,Ont-Au 28 1894
Scan#8330 - 3c Small Queen - Leeds Cty-Glen ...
donslau (1 )
Canada- #8160 - 3c Small Queen - Leeds County - Glen Buell,Ont single
Scan#8160 - 3c Small Queen - Leeds County - ...
donslau (1 )
Canada- #6138 - Stampless to Ottawa - Leeds Cty-Brockville,Ont-Sp 13
Scan #6138 - Stampless to Ottawa - Leeds Ct...
donslau (1 )
Canada- #14324-1c QV p/c-Leeds cnty-Brockville Ont Squared circle-
Scan #14324-1c QV p/c-Leeds cnty-Brockville...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#8438-3c Small Queen-fancy cancel-Leeds Cnty-Brockville,Ont sin
Scan #8438 - 3c Small Queen with fancy canc...
donslau (1 )
Canada- #1380-2c Admiral-Leeds Cty-Brockville-Apr 15 1924-slogan" Mail early
Scan #1380-2c Admiral-Leeds Cty-Brockville-A...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#13092 - 2c Numeral - Cross Roads County Harbour, NS cds- Oc 6 1903 -
donslau (1 )
Canada-#13087 - 1c QV postal stationery - Halifax & Annapolis / MC [MT 83 RF C-4] -
donslau (1 )
Canada-#13088 - 1c Leaf postal stationery - Halifax & St John RPO [MT 165 RF B] -
donslau (1 )
Canada-#13090 - 2c Admiral on an illustrated advertising cover "Star of the South
donslau (1 )