Browse Listings

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Canada-Scan #10527 - 3c Admiral on "John A Bruce and Co." advertising cover - Bridg

Scan #10527 - 3c Admiral on "John A Bruce and Co." advertising cover - Bridgeburg & Goderich RPO [ O 34 RF 105 ] - Ap 6 1920 -           ...

4.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11370 - 1c KEVII on p/c- Brant County - Tutela, Ont single broken circle

Scan #11370 - 1c KEVII on p/c- Brant County - Tutela, Ont single broken circle - Au 19 1909 -   Member of the Canadian Stamp Deal...

6.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#12454 - 1c KGV pictorial - Steinbach, Man - Fe 2 1937 - CC illustrated advertising

  Scan #12454 - 1c KGV pictorial - Steinbach, Man - Fe 2 1937 - CC illustrated advertising "Steinbach Flour Mills, Steinbach Man" - 1c fra...

6.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#12507 - 10c airmail letter FDC - Elgin County - St. Thomas Ont

 Scan #12507 - 10c airmail letter FDC - Elgin County - St. Thomas Ont cds - 12 XI 1966 -      Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers...

9.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#12425 - 1c QV postal stationery - Montreal, Canada duplex [ DPQ-538C ]

  Scan #12425 - 1c QV postal stationery - Montreal, Canada duplex [ DPQ-538C ] - 8 No 2 PM [ back of card is dated 1884 ] [ new early date ? ] -    Member of th...

6.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#12866 - 2c(2) + 3c(2) KGV arch with roller cancel - CC "Imprimerie de Grand

Scan #12866 - 2c(2) + 3c(2) KGV arch with roller cancel - CC "Imprimerie de Grand Mere Boite Postale 162 Grand"Mere Que" - Member of the Canadi...

5.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


5144 listings found. Showing results 1 to 80
Faroe Islands Sc 395 2001 25th Anniversary Postal Service stamp sheet used

Faroe Islands Scott Catalogue number 395 2001 25th Anniversary Faroe Islands Postal Service stamp souvenir sheet .Used, fine to very fine .Canadian Customers - I pay the ...

4.50 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Faroe Islands Sc 413 Viking Voyages stamp sheet used

Faroe Islands Scott Catalogue number 413 2002 Viking Voyages stamp souvenir sheet .Used, fine to very fine .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on your purchases from ...

4.50 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Faroe Islands Sc 422 2002 Representative Council stamp sheet used

Faroe Islands Scott Catalogue number 422 2002 150th Anniversary Faroese Representative Council stamp souvenir sheet.Used, fine to very fine .Canadian Customers - I pay th...

3.60 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Faroe Islands Sc 438 2003 Krause Painting Slania stamp sheet used

Faroe Islands Scott Catalogue number 438 2003 Krause Painting 100th Faore stamp engraved by Czeslaw Slania stamp souvenir sheet.Used, fine to very fine .Canadian Customer...

6.75 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Great Britain #17 Used

Great Britain #17, 1855 2p blue Queen Victoria issue, fine-very fine used.Terms and Conditions: All lots are described. If you are not satisfied you can return the lot f...

9.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Canada Childrens Christmas Center Blocks #522i, 525i

body { background-color: #FFFFFF } Canada #522i, 525i, 1970 Children's Christmas issues, 5¢ and 6¢ in center blocks of four, very fine used with cds cancels...

29.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


City Hospital, Saskatoon, Sask. PPC

Canada  City Hospital,  Saskatoon, Sask, picture post card, divided back, unused, very fine

3.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


New Zealand Dinosaurs Set, #1180-85 Never HInged

New Zealand #1180-1185, the 1993 Dinosaurs set complete plus the booklet stamp issue, very fine mint, never hinged(32117) Terms and Conditions: All lots are described. If...

5.00 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Faroe Islands Sc 444 2004 Royal Wedding Crown Prince Frederik stamp sheet used

Faroe Islands Scott Catalogue number 444 2004 Royal Wedding Crown Prince Frederik &  Mary Donaldson stamp souvenir sheet.Used, fine to very fine .Canadian Customers ...

3.60 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 592 1984 Templars Anniversary stamp mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 592 1984 100th Anniversary Oreder of the Good Templars stamp .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged.Member Canadian Stamp Deale...

0.55 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Faroe Islands Sc 477 2006 Sandoy Island stamp sheet used

Faroe Islands Scott Catalogue number 477 2006 Sandoy Island stamp souvenir sheet.Used, fine to very fine .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on your purchases from me...

14.40 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 593-594 1984 Flowers stamp set mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 593++594 1984  Flowers stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged.Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shippi...

0.90 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 595-596 1984 Christmas stamp set mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 595-596 1984  Christmas stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged.Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipp...

1.05 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 599 1984 Employers Confederation stamp mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 599 1984  50th Anniversary Emplyers Confederation stamp .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged.Member Canadian Stamp Dealers A...

1.15 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 179 1930 1c green G V coil stamp pair used

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 179 1930 1 cent deep  green George V arch issue coil stamp pair.Used, very good to fine.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/H...

3.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 180 1930 2c green G V coil stamp strip of 3 used

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 180 1930 2 cent dull green George V arch issue coil stamp strip of 3Used, fine to fine plus.Canadian Customers - I pay the GS...

2.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 182 1930 2c dark brown G V coil stamp strip of 3 used

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 182 1930 2 cent dark brown George V arch issue coil stamp strip of 3Used, fine to fine plus.Canadian Customers - I pay the GS...

1.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 183 1931 3c deep red G V coil stamp pair used

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 183 1931 3 cent deep red George V arch issue coil stamp pair.Used, fine to very fineCanadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on...

1.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 205 1933 1c dark green G V coil stamp strip of 4 used

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 205 1933 1 cent dark green George V Medallion issue coil stamp strip of 4.Used, fine Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST ...

3.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 206 1933 2c black brown G V coil stamp pair used

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 206 1933 2 cent black brown George V Medallion issue coil stamp pair .Used, fine Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on y...

1.10 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada Sc 207 1933 3c deep red G V coil stamp pair used

Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 207 1933 3 cent deep red George V Medallion issue coil stamp pair .Used, fine Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on your...

0.55 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Canada #85 Mint Never Hinged

Canada #85, 1898 black, lavender and carmine Imperial Penny Postage issue, couple of trivial gum bends do not detract, very fine centering, never hinged.

29.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Canada #85 Mint Never Hinged

Canada #85, 1898 black, lavender and carmine Imperial Penny Postage issue, couple of trivial gum bends do not detract, very fine centering, never hinged.

29.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Great Britain #126 Used

Great Britain #126, 1900 1sh carmine rose and green Queen Victoria issue, very fine used.Terms and Conditions: All lots are described. If you are not satisfied you can r...

14.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Jersey N1-2 Never Hinged

Jersey #N1-2, 1941-42 German Occupation set complete, very fine mint, never hinged Terms and Conditions: All lots are described. If you are not satisfied you can r...

9.50 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Great Britain Offices In Morocco #67-70 Mint

Great Britain Offices in Morocco #67-70, 1935 King George V Silver Jubilee set complete, very fine mint, lightly hinged. Terms and Conditions: All lots are described. I...

6.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Canada 1967 London-London Flight Souvenir Sheet

body { background-color: #FFFFFF } Here's a nice commemorative souvenir sheet issued in 1967 by the London Philatelic Society to honour the 40th Anniversary o...

3.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Great Britain Offices In Morocco #583-591 Mint

Great Britain Offices in Morocco #583-591, 1956 Queen Elizabeth Wilding set complete, very fine mint, lightly hinged. Terms and Conditions: All lots are described. If y...

4.00 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Great Britain Offices In Morocco #270-79 Mint

Great Britain Offices in Morocco #270-79, 1952-55 Queen Elizabeth Wilding set complete, very fine mint, lightly hinged. Terms and Conditions: All lots are described. If...

3.25 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Australia #4071a Very Fine Never Hinged

 Australia #4071a, the 2014 Queen Elizabeth 88th birthday souvenir sheet, very fine mint, never hinged.

4.99 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Canada #202 Used Block of Four

Canada #202, 1933 5¢ dark blue Parliament Building issue, a very fine used block of four with cds cancel.(32124)Terms and Conditions: All items are as described. If you...

6.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Rhodesia and Nyasaland #J1-4 Mint

Rhodesia and Nyasaland #J1-4, 1961 Postage Due set complete, very fine mint, lightly hinged Terms and Conditions: All items are as described. If you are not satisfied you...

8.35 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Great Britain #J39-44 Mint Set

Great Britain #J39-44, 1954-55 ½p to 2sh6p Postage Due set complete, very fine mint, lightly hinged(31085)Buy with confidence! You must be 100% satisfied with your purc...

99.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Canada #86 Fine Mint

body { background-color: #FFFFFF } Canada #86, 1898 black, blue and carmine Imperial Penny Postage issue, fine centering, light hinge remnant and trivial gum ...

8.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Canada #86 Fine-Very Fine Mint

body { background-color: #FFFFFF } Canada #86, 1898 black, blue and carmine Imperial Penny Postage issue, fine-very fine centering, light hinge remnant and tr...

8.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Niger Coast Protectorate #3 Mint

Niger Coat Protectorate #3, 1892 2p green and carmine Queen Victoria issue, fine-very fine mint, lightly hinged Terms and Conditions: All lots are described. If you are n...

15.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Bechuanaland Protectorate #J4-6 Mint

Bechuanaland Protectorate #J4-6, 1932 Postage Due set complete, fine-very fine mint, lightly hinged Terms and Conditions: All items are as described. If you are not satis...

12.95 CAD
jsheffie (11 )


Iceland Sc 240-245 1944 Jon Sigurdsson Republic stamp set mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 240-245 1944 Jon Sigurdsson, 1st Republic issue, stamp set . Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged . Member Canadian Stamp D...

74.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 713-714 1990 Landscapes stamp set mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 713-714 1990 Lanndscapes stamp set . Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged . Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association . Fr...

7.25 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Faroe Islands Sc 487 2007 Bible Translators stamp sheet used

Faroe Islands Scott Catalogue number 487 2007 Bible Translators stamp souvenir sheet  .Used, fine to very fine.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on your purchases ...

4.50 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Faroe Islands Sc 499 2008 Lutzens Prints stamp sheet used

Faroe Islands Scott  499  2008  Lutzens Prints stamp souvenir sheet Used, fine to very fine.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on your purchases from me .

14.45 CAD
fatdane (362 )


finland Sc 782 1988 Pre School Children stamp mint NH

Finland Scott Catalogue number 782 1988 Pre School Children stamp . Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged . Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association . Fr...

0.65 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Finland Sc 800 1989 Savonlinna Anniversarystamp mint NH

Finland Sc 800 1989 Savonlinna Anniversary stamp .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchase...

0.70 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Finland Sc 803-805 1989 Council of Europe stamp set mint NH

Finland Sc 803-805 1989 Admission to Council of Europe stamp set.Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipp...

2.30 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Finland Sc 809 1989 Kolehmainen Olympic Racer mint NH

Finland Sc 809 1989 Kohehmainen, Olympic racer, stamp .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on pur...

0.75 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Finland Sc 819 1990 Rural Postal Service stamp mint NH

Finland Sc 819 1989 Rural Postal Service Anniversary stamp .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping o...

0.75 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Finland Sc 868-869 1991 Alfred Finch Artist stamp set mint NH

Finland Sc 868-869 19911 Alfred Finch, Artist, stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on ...

2.70 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Finland Sc 870 1991 Candy Industry stamp mint NH

Finland Sc 870 1991 Candy Industry stamp .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over $...

0.80 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Guernsey Sc 307 1984 12 Days of Christmas stamp miniature pane mint NH

Guernsey Scott Catalogue number 307 1984  12 Days of Christmas stamp miniature pane .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers As...

1.60 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Guernsey Sc 319 1985 Christmas stamp miniature pane mint NH

Guernsey Scott Catalogue number 319 1985  Christmas Religious & Folk Figures stamp miniature pane .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadia...

3.10 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 602-605 1985 Flowers stamp set mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 602-605 1985 Flowers stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping...

3.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Greenland Sc 162 1965 Queen Mother Ingrid stamp mint NH

Greenland Scott Catalogue number 162 1965 Queen Mother Ingrid stamp .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free S...

0.90 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 608 1985 Tree stamp mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 608 1985 Tree stamp .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchas...

0.80 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 609 1985 Youth Year stamp mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 609 1985 Youth Year stamp .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on p...

0.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 613-614 1985 Stephensen & Gubmundsson stamp set mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 613-614 1985 Stephensen & Gubmundsson stamp set.Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associ...

1.80 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 616-617 1985 Christmas stamp set mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 616-617 1985 Christmas stamp set.Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shippin...

1.30 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Greenland Sc 175 1987 HAFNIA '87 stamp show sheet mint NH

Greenland Scott Catalogue number 175 1987 HAFNIA 87 Philatelic Exhibition stamp souvenir sheet .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp ...

6.40 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Newfoundland-Sc #181-unused,og, hinged 20c Colonial Building-id5-1931-

Newfoundland-Sc #181-unused,og, hinged 20c Colonial Building-id5-1931-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Cana...

39.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#253- id2-unused NH 4c Grain Elevator block of 4-1942-

Canada-Sc#253- id2-unused NH 4c Grain Elevator block of 4-1942- Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canad...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#253- id4-unused NH 4c Grain Elevator block of 4-1942-

Canada-Sc#253- id4-unused NH 4c Grain Elevator block of 4-1942- Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canad...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Dominica-Sc#101- id2-used 2&1/2p KGVI-1938-47-

Dominica-Sc#101- id2-used 2&1/2p KGVI-1938-47- Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I ...

1.10 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#232- id2-unused 2H/2NH 2c KGVI Mufti block of 4-1937-

Canada-Sc#232- id2-unused 2H/2NH 2c KGVI Mufti  block of 4-1937- Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canad...

1.85 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#253- id3-unused NH 4c Grain Elevator block of 4-1942-

Canada-Sc#253- id3-unused NH 4c Grain Elevator block of 4-1942- Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canad...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Sierra Leone-Sc#162- id2-used 2sh Old Slavers Resort-1933-

Sierra Leone-Sc#162- id2-used 2sh Old Slavers Resort-1933- Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buy...

23.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Greenland Sc 392-93 2002 Cultural Heritage stamp set mint NH

Greenland Scott Catalogue number 392-393 2002 Cultural Heritage stamp set.Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged  .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association ...

3.30 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Greenland Sc 394-95 2002 Sculptures stamp set mint NH

Greenland Scott Catalogue number 394-395 2002 Sculptures stamp set.Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged  .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on your pu...

10.95 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 628-631 1986 200th Anniversary Reykjavik stamp set mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 628-631 1986 200th Anniversary Reykjavik stamp set.Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associa...

3.10 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 635-636 1986 Christmas stamp set mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 635-636 1986 Christmas stamp set.Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shippin...

1.20 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Greenland Sc 430a 2004 Royal Wedding Crown Prince stamp sheet mint NH

Greenland Scott Catalogue number 430a 2004 Royal Wedding Crown Prince Frederik & mary Donaldson  stamp souvenir sheet .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hin...

3.40 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Guernsey Sc 362-66 1987 John Wesley Visit stamp set mint NH

Guernsey Scott Catalogue number 362-366 1987 Anniversary of visit by John Wesley stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Deal...

2.45 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Guernsey Sc 283-302 1985 Views long stamp set mint NH

Guernsey Scott Catalogue number 283-302 1984-1985 scenic views long stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associati...

11.65 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Latvia Sc 475 1998 dome Church Riga stamp mint NH

Latvia Scott Catalogue number 475 1998 Dome Church Riga stamp .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Canadian Cu...

0.55 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Latvia Sc 476 1998 President Cakste stamp mint NH

Latvia Scott Catalogue number 476 1998 President Cakste stamp .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shippi...

0.40 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Latvia Sc 477-478 1998 80th Anniversary Indelendence stamp set mint NH

Latvia Scott Catalogue number 477-478 1998 80th Anniversary Independence stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Ass...

1.50 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 626-27 1986 National Bank Centenary stamp set mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 626-627 1986 Centenary National Bank stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associatio...

7.90 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 647 1987 Dental Protection stamp mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 647 1987  Dental Protection stamp .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shi...

0.45 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 662 1988 Seoul Olympics stamp mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 662 1988 Seoul Olympics stamp .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping ...

0.60 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 663-64 1988 Flowers stamp set mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 663-664 1988 Flowers stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping...

2.85 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 665-66 1988 Birds stamp set mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 665-666 1988 Birds stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping o...

1.90 CAD
fatdane (362 )


Iceland Sc 668 1988 40th Anniversary WHO stamp mint NH

Iceland Scott Catalogue number 668 1988 40th Anniversary WHO stamp .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shi...

0.70 CAD
fatdane (362 )