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Canada-Sc#126- id31-unused og NH 1c KGV coil-1923-

Canada-Sc#126- id31-unused og NH 1c KGV coil-1923-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I will...

12.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#131- id18-unused og NH 1c KGV coil pair-1915-24-

Canada-Sc#131- id18-unused og NH 1c KGV coil pair-1915-24-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers ...

9.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11370 - 1c KEVII on p/c- Brant County - Tutela, Ont single broken circle

Scan #11370 - 1c KEVII on p/c- Brant County - Tutela, Ont single broken circle - Au 19 1909 -   Member of the Canadian Stamp Deal...

6.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#12450 - 2c Confederation - Winnipeg, Man on front only - Jul 16 1927 -

   Scan #12450 - 2c Confederation - Winnipeg, Man on front only - Jul 16 1927 - CC illustrated advertising "Bate & Bate Wholesale Drugs Winnipeg Canad...

7.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada- #14324-1c QV p/c-Leeds cnty-Brockville Ont Squared circle-

Scan #14324-1c QV p/c-Leeds cnty-Brockville...

6.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#8861-4c QEII Wilding-Vancouver,BC-Jul 5 1957-CC illustrated "Jaffary & Kyle ,

#8861-4c QEII Wilding-Vancouver,BC-Jul 5 195...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


5139 listings found. Showing results 1 to 10
The Pence Issues of Newfoundland 1857-1866

The Pence Issues of Newfoundland 1857-1866: Pratt, Robert: HB, 1981. NEW

30.00 CAD
rmareschson (1 )


Canada-#12856 - 7c Goose airmail - St. John's Newfoundland, Canada - Dec 7 1953

Scan #12856 - 7c Goose airmail - St. John's Newfoundland, Canada - Dec 7 1953 - CC "WA Munn & Co. Limited St. John's Newfoundland" - 7c ...

9.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#12437 - 2c Confederation - Newcastle, NB duplex [ DNB-99 ] - AM De 1

 Scan #12437 - 2c Confederation - Newcastle, NB duplex [ DNB-99 ] - AM De 13 1927 -    Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serv...

3.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11016 - 1c Leaf + 3c(2) Numerals registered - Fredericton, NB - Fe 20

Scan #11016 - 1c Leaf + 3c(2) Numerals registered - Fredericton, NB - Fe 20 1899 -         Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association...

19.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


NEW ZEALAND Scott # B85a - B86a (Sheets of 6) Boy Girl Playing Tennis MNH F-VF

NEW ZEALAND Scott #'s B85a - B86a  Boy Girl Playing Tennis, MNH F-VFDate of Issue: August 2, 1972

15.00 CAD
iekphilatelics (0)


Canada-#11013 -Registered letter receipt-Saint John, NB - Au 26 1874 -

Scan #11013 -Registered letter receipt-Saint John, NB - Au 26 1874 -         Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been ser...

21.95 CAD
donslau (1 )



This lot contains a used Fine - Very Fine 20 cent dark carmine Special Delivery stamp from Canada. This stamp is Scott # E8 issued June 15 1938.

24.99 CAD
KingsK (0)


RW 4

U.S. Hunting Permit Stamp VF-NH

175.00 CAD
medallion (1 )


Canada #334 Plate 2 Upper Left Never Hinged

Canada #334, 1953 50¢Textile Industry, plate 1 upper left, very fine mint, never hinged

5.99 CAD
jsheffie (11 )