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Canada-#6253 -1c+2c KGV pictorial-Leeds Cnty-Toledo,Ont-Dec 16 1937 -
Scan#6253 -1c+2c KGV pictorial-Leeds Cnty-To...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#12464 - 5c QEII Wilding + 20c Paper registered - Perth County - Listowel,
Ā Ā Scan #12464 - 5c QEII Wilding + 20c Paper registered - Perth County - Listowel, Ont cds - 19 I 1960 - B/S " London Ont barrel cancel&q...
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Canada-#8849-8c QEII Caricature-Vancouver,BC-26 VI 1974-CC illustrated "Northwest
#8849-8c QEII Caricature-Vancouver,BC-26 VI ...
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Canada-Sc#104- id8-unused og hinged 1c KGV-1911-
Canada-Sc#104- id8-unused og hinged 1c KGV-1911-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I will c...
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Canada-#12427 - 3c small queen - Montreal, CE duplex [ DPQ-530 ] -
Ā Scan #12427 - 3c small queen - Montreal, CE duplex [ DPQ-530 ] - 10 Ja 8 1875 [ new early date ? ] - Ā Ā Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and ...
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Canada- #13046 - 1c KGVI stationery uprated with a 50c Oil Well[#294]-Middleton,
Scan #13046 - 1c KGVI stationery uprated wit...
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Canada-Sc#171-Unused 8c dark blue KGV Arch-OG NH-1930
Canada-Sc#171-Unused 8c dark blue KGV Arch-OG NH-1930Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#12687 - 3c Admiral postal stationery - Orangeville, Ont duplex cancel
Scan #12687 - 3c Admiral postal stationery - Orangeville, Ont duplex cancel [ DON 1181 ] - PM No 23 1934 -Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association...
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Canada-#9542-5c(2) Medallion-AR card-Victoria,BC-No 22 1934-10c franking pays the
#9542-5c(2) Medallion-AR card-Victoria,BC-No...
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Canada-#9543-5c(2) Medallion-AR card-Victoria,BC-De 3 1934-10c franking
#9543-5c(2) Medallion-AR card-Victoria,BC-De...
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Canada-#9546-5c KGV medallion+1c KGV arch airmail to USA-Vancouver,BC-Jun 25 1934 -
#9546-5c KGV medallion+1c KGV arch airmail t...
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Canada-#9574-5c KGV medallion-Sweden-New Westminister,BC-Nov 30 1934-5c franking
#9574-5c KGV medallion-Sweden-New Westminist...
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Canada-#9648-3c KGVI war-Lambton Cnty-Forest,Ont-Mr 31 1943[last day of 3c rate for
#9648-3c KGVI war-Lambton Cnty-Forest,Ont-Mr...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#9707-1c(4) KGVI war [coil strip of 4 #263]-blackout [Vancouver,BC ]
Scan#9707-1c(4) KGVI war [coil strip of 4 #2...
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Canada-#9802-1c Edward on p/c-"CPR SS Princess Victoria"-Victoria,BC-Au 8 1910 -
Scan#9802-1c Edward on p/c-"CPR SS Prin...
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Canada-#9944-10c Jack Pine+6c Vincent Massey airmail to Germany-Vancouver,BC
Scan#9944-10c Jack Pine+6c Vincent Massey ai...
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Canada-#10404-5c pair KGV arch on AR card-Victoria BC, Canada-Jun 16 1932-Acknowledge of Receip
#10404-5c pair KGV arch on AR card-Victoria ...
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Canada-#12016-1c(block of 4) Centennial on cover-Vancouver,BC-Mar 4 1968-4c
Scan#12016-1c(block of 4) Centennial on cove...
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Canada-#11997-3c Jubilee-Rossland,BC cds-Sp 30 1897[office opened Mr 1 1895]
Scan#11997-3c Jubilee-Rossland,BC cds-Sp 30 ...
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Canada-#12014-3c Jubilee-Vancouver,BC cds-Jy 5 1899-H/S Hamilton Carrier
Scan#12014-3c Jubilee-Vancouver,BC cds-Jy 5 ...
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GB-#13528 - 1p red KEVII GB on p/c to "Vancouver City, British Columbia"
Scan#13528 - 1p red KEVII GB on p/c to "...
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Canada-#13813-2c coil pair KGVI [#309] commercially used-Vancouver,BC-Au 4 1953
Scan#13813-2c coil pair KGVI [#309] commerci...
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Canada-#14116 - 1c(2) Edward-llustrated Barron Hotel advert-Vancouver,BC-Mar 5 1912-$
Scan#14116 - 1c(2) Edward-llustrated Barron ...
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Canada-#6253 -1c+2c KGV pictorial-Leeds Cnty-Toledo,Ont-Dec 16 1937 -
Scan#6253 -1c+2c KGV pictorial-Leeds Cnty-To...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#10593-1c+2c KGV pictorials-Leeds Cnty-Gananoque, Ont
Scan#10593-1c+2c KGV pictorials-Leeds Cnty-G...
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Canada-#8330-3c Small Queen-Leeds Cty-Glen Buell,Ont-Au 28 1894
Scan#8330 - 3c Small Queen - Leeds Cty-Glen ...
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Canada- #8160 - 3c Small Queen - Leeds County - Glen Buell,Ont single
Scan#8160 - 3c Small Queen - Leeds County - ...
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Canada- #6138 - Stampless to Ottawa - Leeds Cty-Brockville,Ont-Sp 13
ScanĀ #6138 - Stampless to Ottawa - Leeds Ct...
donslau (1 )