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Canada-#6253 -1c+2c KGV pictorial-Leeds Cnty-Toledo,Ont-Dec 16 1937 -

Scan#6253 -1c+2c KGV pictorial-Leeds Cnty-To...

3.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#154-Unused 8c blue KGV Scroll -OG NH -1928-

Canada-Sc#154-Unused 8c blue KGV Scroll -OG NH -1928-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I...

19.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


USA-#12857 - unused p/c-Absecon lighthouse-Atlantic City NJ-

Scan #12857 - unused p/c-Absecon lighthouse-Atlantic City NJ- Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian ...

3.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#12835 -used1c p/c-Valentine's Series-Dornock Church-

Scan #12835 -used1c p/c-Valentine's Series-Dornock Church-  Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector sin...

5.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#12472 - 2c Admiral coil [#128] - Montreal, PQ machine cancellation -

     Scan #12472 - 2c Admiral coil [#128] - Montreal, PQ machine cancellation - Ap 4 1928  - CC illustrated advert...

5.50 CAD
donslau (1 )


Newfoundland-#10429 - 2c + 2c reply card , carmine buff post card [P6], die I - unused -

Scan #10429 - 2c + 2c reply card , carmine buff post card [P6], die I - unused -   Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the coll...

17.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#11098 - 3c KGV medallion - York County - Deer Park, Ont single broken

Scan #11098 - 3c KGV medallion - York County - Deer Park, Ont single broken circle - Fe 13 1934 - >      ...

3.75 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-Sc#107i- id7-unused og hinged 2c deep green KGV-1922-

Canada-Sc#107i- id7-unused og hinged 2c deep green KGV-1922-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyer...

1.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


626 listings found. Showing results 61 to 80
Canada- #14324-1c QV p/c-Leeds cnty-Brockville Ont Squared circle-

Scan #14324-1c QV p/c-Leeds cnty-Brockville...

6.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#8438-3c Small Queen-fancy cancel-Leeds Cnty-Brockville,Ont sin

Scan #8438 - 3c Small Queen with fancy canc...

16.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada- #1380-2c Admiral-Leeds Cty-Brockville-Apr 15 1924-slogan" Mail early

Scan #1380-2c Admiral-Leeds Cty-Brockville-A...

3.25 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#13050 - 1c + 2c Small Queens on illustrated advertising [ W. Frank Hath

Scan #13050 - 1c + 2c Small Queens on il...

34.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada- #13046 - 1c KGVI stationery uprated with a 50c Oil Well[#294]-Middleton,

Scan #13046 - 1c KGVI stationery uprated wit...

10.95 CAD
donslau (1 )


Canada-#13043 - 2c Numeral-Wentworth Cnty-Hamilton,"00" type 8 flag "B" cancel

Scan #13043 - 2c Numeral-Wentworth Cnty-Hamilton,&...

8.25 CAD
donslau (1 )