Browse Listings in Post Cards
Early Colour PC |CPR STeamer "Princess Victoria" enetring Vancouver Hzrbor
A early, probably pre WW I, colour postcard showing C.P.R. Steamer "Princess Victoria" entering Vancouver Harbor, unused .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HS...
fatdane (362 )
Sepia PC Gaspesie- Environs de Sainte Anne- des Monts unused
A Sepia French produced postcard showing Gaspesie - Environs de Sainte Anne-des-Monts, unusedCanadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for yousc20-8-3.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC The Great Ship "SEEANDBEE" between Buffalo and Cleveland
An colour postcard showing the Great Ship "SEEANDBEE" between Buffalo and Cleveland, used 1927 Cleveland to Kansas City, MO .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST...
fatdane (362 )
B & W PC Steamer "Greater Buffalo" usused
An black & white postcard showing the Steamer "Greater Buffalo" D.& C. Navigation Co, unusedCanadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for yousc20-4-19.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Colour PC Cunard RMS "Queen Mary" used 1954 Paquebot cancel
An colour postcard showing the Cunard RMS> "Queen Mary, used 1954 Paquebot posted at sea cancel to Chicago, Ill.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for yousc...
fatdane (362 )
Early Colour undivided back PC City Hall, Monument, Street Car ,Winnipeg, Man unused
A early colour undiivided back post card shweing City Hall, Volunteer Monument, & Street Car, Winnipeg, Manitoba, unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associati...
fatdane (362 )
Valentine Edy Linen Colour PC dominion Public Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A Valentine Edy linen era colour post card showing te Dominion Public Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-14.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Linen Valentine Edy Colour PC Inside Walls of Old Fort Garry Winnipeg,
A linen era Valentine Edy colour post card showing Inside the Walls of Lower Fort Garry , now the Motor Country Club, Winnipeg, Manitoba, unused .sc23-4-9.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Linen PECO Colour PC Hudson Bay Company Store Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A linen era PECO colour post card showing the Hudson Bay Company Store, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-3.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Linen PECO Colour PC Auditorium Parliament, University Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A linen era PECO colour post card showing the Auditoriu, Cenotaph, Parliament Buildings & University Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-4.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Linen PECO Colour PC Parliament Buildings, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A linen era PECO colour post card showing the Parliament Buildings, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-6.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Linen PECO Colour PC Residence & Campus, U of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A linen era PECO colour post card showing the Residence Buildin & Campus, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-7.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Valentine Edy Linen Colour PC Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A Valentine Edy linen era colour post card showing Portsage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-13.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Valentine Edy Linen Colour PC The Union Station, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused
A Valentine Edy linen era colour post card showing the Union Station, Winnipeg, Manitoba unused .sc23-4-10.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Valentine & Sons Colour PC St. Stehphen's Church Winnipeg, Manitoba used 1909
A Valentine & Sons colour post card showing St. Stephen's Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba used 1909 Winnipeg to Thamesford, Ontario .sc23-4-15.jpg
fatdane (362 )
Black & White RPPC Castle Mtn Banff Raiway Tracks unused
Black & white real photo post card Castle Mountain, Banff, Alberta, Raiway Tracks, unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over ...
fatdane (362 )
Black & White RPPC The Great Divide, British Columbia-Alberta unused
Black & white real photo post card The Great Divide, British Columbia- Alberta unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over $50 ...
fatdane (362 )
Black & White RPPC Banff Springs Hotel, Alberta unused
Black & white real photo post card Banff Springs Hotel, Alberta unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purchases over $50 going to Canada...
fatdane (362 )
Valentine & Sons Colour PC Valley of the Ten Peaks Laggan, Alberta at night, unused
A Valentine & Sons colour postcard showing Valley of the Ten Peaks, Laggan, Alberta at night, unused .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free Shipping on purc...
fatdane (362 )
Black & White PC Lake Saskatoon near Grande Prairie, Alberta, unused
A Black & Whiter postcard showing Lake Saskatoon near Grande Prairie, Alberta, unused.C6-123f.jpg
fatdane (362 )