Browse Listings in Stamps > Thematics > Military & War
Canada Sc 258 1942 13 cent tank stamp mint
Canada Scott & Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number 258 1942 13 cent tank stamp .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum hinged .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST...
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Germany Sc 1322 1980 NATO Membership Anniversary stamp mint NH
Germany Scott Catalogue number 1322 1980 25th Anniversary NATO Membership stamp .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged . Member Canadian Stamp Dealers A...
fatdane (362 )
Canada Sc 258 1942 13 c tank stamp mint
Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 258 1942 13 cent tank stamp .Mint, fine to very fine original gum hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers AssociationFr...
fatdane (362 )
Newfoundland Sc 122 1919 10c Trail of the Caribou Steenbeck stamp used
Newfoundland Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 122 1919 10 cent Trail of the Caribou, Steenbeck, stamp .Used, fine ..Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association ...
fatdane (362 )
Newfoundland Sc 119 1919 5 c ultramarine Caribou Ubique stamp used
Newfoundland Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 119 1919 5 cent ultramarine Trail of the Caribou, Ubique, stamp .Used, fine .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on ...
fatdane (362 )
Newfoundland Sc 118 1919 4 c violet Caribou Beaumont Hamel stamp mint
Newfoundland Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 118 1919 4 cent violet Trail of the Caribou, Beaumont Hamel, stamp .Mint, fine, original gum hinged .Canadian Customers...
fatdane (362 )
Newfoundland Sc 116 1919 3 c red brown Caribou Gueudecourt stamp mint
Newfoundland Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 117 1919 3 cent red brown Trail of the Caribou, Gueudecourt, stamp .Mint, fine, original gum hinged .Canadian Customers...
fatdane (362 )
Newfoundland Sc 116 1919 2 c scarlet Caribou Ubique stamp mint
Newfoundland Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 116 1919 2 cent scarlet Trail of the Caribou, Ubique, stamp .Mint, fine, original gum hinged .Canadian Customers - I pa...
fatdane (362 )
Newfoundland Sc 115 1919 1 c green Caribou Suvla Bay stamp mint
Newfoundland Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 115 1919 1 cent green Trail of the Caribou, Suvla Bay,, stamp .Mint, just fine, original gum hinged .Canadian Customers...
fatdane (362 )
Malta Sc 263-265 1957 George Cross stamp set mint NH
MALTA Scott Catalogue number 263-265 1957 George Cross stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers AssociationFree ship...
fatdane (362 )
Guernsey Sc 530 1994 D Day stamp sheet mint NH
Guernsey Scott Catalogue number 530 1994 D Day stamp souvenir sheet .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers AssociationFree...
fatdane (362 )
Guernsey Sc 691-696 1999 Sandhurst Anniversary stamp set mint NH
Guernsey Scott Catalogue number 691-696 1999 200th Anniversary Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member C...
fatdane (362 )
Great Britain Scott 2326c 2005 Battle of Trafalgar stamp sheet mint NH
Great Britain Scott Catalogue number 2326c 2005 200th Anniversary Naval Battle of Trafalgar stamp souvenir sheet.Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged.Canad...
fatdane (362 )
Great Britain Sc 1566a 1994 D Day Anniversary stamp strip mint NH
Great Britain Scott Catalogue number 1566a 1994 50th Anniversary D Day Landings stamp strip of 5.Mnt, fine to very fine original gum never hinged .Canadian Customers - ...
fatdane (362 )
Great Britain Sc 2530a 2007 Battle of Passchendale stamp sheet mint NH
Great Britain Scott Catalogue number 2530a 2007 90th Anniversary Battle of Passchendaele stamp souvenir sheet.Mnt, fine to very fine original gum never hinged .Canadian...
fatdane (362 )
Denmark Sc 867 1989 40th Anniversary NATO Membership stamp mint NH
Denmark Scott Catalogue number 867 1989 1989 40th anniversary NATO Membership stamp .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged.Member Canadian Stamp Dealers ...
fatdane (362 )
Alderney Scott 65-68 1992 Battle of la Hogue stamp set mint NH
Alderney Scott Catalogue number 65-68 1992 300th Anniversary Battle of La Hogue stamp set.Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged.Canadian Customers - I pay the...
fatdane (362 )
Alderney Scott 28-31 1986 Forts stamp set mint NH
Alderney Scott Catalogue number 28-31 1986 Forts stamp set.Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged,Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST on your purchases from...
fatdane (362 )
Great Britain Sc 470-477 1966 Battle of Hastings stamp set mint NH
Great Britain Scott Catalogue number 470-477 1966 Battle of Hastings stamp set . Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged . Member Canadian Stamp Dealers As...
fatdane (362 )
Guernsey Sc 30-32 1970 Liberation Anniversary stamp set mint NH
Guernsey Scott Catalogue number 30-32 1970 Liberation Anniversary stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine, original gum never hinged .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Associati...
fatdane (362 )