Browse Listings in Stamps
BULGARIA Scott # 3516 - 3521 MNH, F-VF Explorers, Ships
BULGARIA Scott #'s 3516 - 3521 MNN, F-VFTopical: Explorers and ShipsDate of Issue: January 17, 1990
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British Columbia Revenue Law Stamp - Van Dam # BCL4 - Used
British Columbia Revenue Law Stamp1979 - 80 First Series $1.00 BlueVan Dam #BCL41922 Van Dam Catalogue Value $22.50
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BANGLADESH Scott # 197 - 198a Q. E. Mother 80th Birthday MNH F-VF
BANGLADISH Scott # 197- 198a MNH, F-VFTopical: Queen Elizabeth Mother 80th BirthdayDate of Issue: March 16, 1981
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ICELAND Scott # C21 - C28 MH F-VF
ICELAND Scott # C21 - C28 MH, F-VFDate of Issue: August 18, 1947
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JERSEY Scott # 124 - 127a MH F-VF
JERSEY Scott # 124 - 127a MNH, F-VFTopical: Tourist Publicity Date of Issue: June 8, 1975
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BANGLADESH Scott # 145 - 148a Coronation of Q. E. 25th Anniv. MNH F-VF
BANGLADISH Scott # 145 - 148a MNH, F-VFTopical: Coronation of Queen Elizabeth 25th Anniv.Date of Issue: May 20, 1978
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NIUE Scott # 291 - 292 MNH, F-VF Queen Mother Elizabeth, 80th Birthday
NIUE Scott #'s 291 - 292 MNH, F-VFTopical: Queen Mother Elizabeth, 80th BirthdayDate of Issue: September 15, 1980
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ICELAND Scott # C 3 MH / MLH, F-VF Gyrfalcon Bird
ICELAND Scott # C 3 MH / MLH, F-VFTopical: Gyrfalcon / BirdDate of Issue: January 1, 1930
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FINLAND Scott # 517 MNH, F-VF Tall Ships
FINLAND Scott # 517 MNH, F-VFTopical: Tall Ships Race 1972, Helsinki, August 20 Date of Issue: June 19, 1972
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FRENCH POLYNESIA Scott # 653 MNN, F-VFTopical: Don Domingo de Boenechea's Taudira Expendition, 220th Anniversary Date of Issue: January 1, 1995
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NIUE Scott # 194 - 195a MNH F-VF Elizabeth II Coronation Portrait
NIUE Scott #'s 194 - 195a MNH, F-VFTopical: Elizabeth II Coronation Portrait and Westminster AbbeyDate of Issue: June 7, 1977
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ETHIOPIA Scott # C11 - C17 MNH, F-VF Symbols of Empire, Airplane, Map
ETHIOPIA Scott #'s C11 - C17 MNN, F-VFTopical: Symbols of Empire, Airplane and MapDate of Issue: June 17, 1931
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SWEDEN Scott # 1526 - 15429 MNH, F-VF World Wildlife Fund
SWEDEN Scott #'s 1526 - 15429 MNN, F-VFTopical: World Wildlife FundDate of Issue: March 14, 1985
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United States Scott # C11 MNH F-VF
United States # C11 - 5 cents "Beacon on Rocky Mountains" - mint not hinged, fine - very fineDate of Issue: July 25, 1928
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ANGUILLA Scott # 36 - 39, MNH, F-VF- Birds
Anguilla Scott #'s 36 - 39 MNH F-VF Topical: BirdsDate of Issue: July 8, 1969
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ST. VINCENT Scott # 472 - 474 Fish, MNH F-VF
ST. VINCENT Scott #'s 472 - 474 Fish, MNH F-VFDate of Issue: October 14, 1976
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SAUDI ARABIA Scott # 645 - 647 Centenary of Universal Postal Union, MNH F-VF
SAUDI ARABIA Scott #'s 645 - 647 Centenary of Universal Postal Union, MNH F-VFDate of Issue: November 15, 1974
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NEW ZEALAND Scott # B87a, B88a (Minature Sheets) Prince Edward MNH F-VF
NEW ZEALAND Sc #'s B87a, B88a (Minature Sheets) Prince Edward MNH F-VF Date of Issue: August 1, 1973
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MALAYA Scott # 23a (Stanley Gibbons 20) MNH F
MALAYA Scott # 23a (Stanley Gibbons #20) MNH F Date of Issue 1901
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IRELAND Scott # 149 - 150 (Stanley Gibbons # 156 - 157) Robert Emmet Used F-VF
IRELAND Sc #'s 149 - 150 (Stanley Gibbons #'s 156 - 157) Robert Emmet, Used F-VFDate of Issue: September 21, 1953
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