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Canada-Sc#109- id8-unused hinged 3c carmine KGV-1923-
Canada-Sc#109- id8-unused hinged 3c carmine KGV-1923-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I w...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#12499 - 1c(strip of 3 with plate number 365 on selvedge) Admirals on hotel cover- Toronto
Scan #12499 - 1c(strip of 3 with plate number 365 on selvedge) Admirals on hotel cover- Toronto Ont, 1916 slogan cancel [ "Canadian National E...
donslau (1 )
BCD3b, BC Ducks, 1948, $1, Imperf single, large margins, XF, NH, Canada
BCD3b, BC Ducks, 1948, $1, Imperf single, large margins, XF, NH, CanadaCanadian Buyers will be charged their Provinces GST/HST Rate at checkout. GST/HST #79036 8534 RT...
Moreland_Revenue_Stamps (0)
Canada-#11206 - 3c Numeral on illustrated advertising cover "D.C. Kirk wholesale
Scan #11206 - 3c Numeral on illustrated advertising cover "D.C. Kirk ...
donslau (1 )
Canada-Sc#128- id12-unused og NH 2c KGV coil -1922-
Canada-Sc#128- id12-unused og NH 2c KGV coil -1922-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I wil...
donslau (1 )
Canada-Unitrade#FWH4-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Ducks-1988
Canada-Unitrade#FWH4-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Ducks-1988 Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector s...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#10573 - 2c + 10c KGV admirals registered - Sherbrooke, PQ cds - De 20
Scan #10573 - 2c + 10c KGV admirals registered - Sherbrooke, PQ cds - De 20 1927 -12c franking pays the 10c registration rate + the 2c le...
donslau (1 )
Canada-#12891 - 2c Edward-Elgin Cnty-Eden,Ont single broken circle-De 14 1905-
Scan #12891 - 2c Edward-Elgin Cnty-Eden,Ont single broken circle-De 14 1905- Member of the Canadi...
donslau (1 )
Iceland Sc 770-771 1993 Europa stamp set mint NH
Iceland Scott Catalogue number 770-771 1993 Europa stamp set .Mint, fine to very fine original gum never hinged ,Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Canadian Custo...
fatdane (362 )
New Zealand Dinosaurs Set, #1180-85 Never HInged
New Zealand #1180-1185, the 1993 Dinosaurs set complete plus the booklet stamp issue, very fine mint, never hinged(32117) Terms and Conditions: All lots are described. If...
jsheffie (11 )
City Hospital, Saskatoon, Sask. PPC
Canada City Hospital, Saskatoon, Sask, picture post card, divided back, unused, very fine
jsheffie (11 )
Great Britain #17 Used
Great Britain #17, 1855 2p blue Queen Victoria issue, fine-very fine used.Terms and Conditions: All lots are described. If you are not satisfied you can return the lot f...
jsheffie (11 )
Canada Childrens Christmas Center Blocks #522i, 525i
body { background-color: #FFFFFF } Canada #522i, 525i, 1970 Children's Christmas issues, 5¢ and 6¢ in center blocks of four, very fine used with cds cancels...
jsheffie (11 )
Stanley Gibbons Senator Album 2896 - Black
The Senator Standard range features a sturdy spring that closes shut and holds the contents of the albums in place. To remove the contents simply bend back both covers. T...
rmareschson (1 )
0 bids
Niger Coast Protectorate #3 Mint
Niger Coat Protectorate #3, 1892 2p green and carmine Queen Victoria issue, fine-very fine mint, lightly hinged Terms and Conditions: All lots are described. If you are n...
jsheffie (11 )
Bechuanaland Protectorate #J4-6 Mint
Bechuanaland Protectorate #J4-6, 1932 Postage Due set complete, fine-very fine mint, lightly hinged Terms and Conditions: All items are as described. If you are not satis...
jsheffie (11 )
Canada #86 Fine Mint
body { background-color: #FFFFFF } Canada #86, 1898 black, blue and carmine Imperial Penny Postage issue, fine centering, light hinge remnant and trivial gum ...
jsheffie (11 )
Canada #86 Fine-Very Fine Mint
body { background-color: #FFFFFF } Canada #86, 1898 black, blue and carmine Imperial Penny Postage issue, fine-very fine centering, light hinge remnant and tr...
jsheffie (11 )