Featured Listings
Canada-Sc#131- id7-unused og hinged 1c KGV coil-1915-24-very small spot on
Canada-Sc#131- id7-unused og hinged 1c KGV coil-1915-24-very small spot on left edge -Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector...
donslau (1 )
Canada-Sc#128a- id7-unused og H/NH 2c KGV part perf coil -1924-
Canada-Sc#128a- id7-unused og H/NH 2c KGV part perf coil -1924-top stamp hinged, bottom NH-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the coll...
donslau (1 )
Canada-Sc#108b- id14-unused og hinge remnant 3c yellow brown KGV-1918-
Canada-Sc#108b- id14-unused og hinge remnant 3c yellow brown KGV-1918-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Cana...
donslau (1 )
Canada-Sc#128a- id9-unused og H/NH 2c KGV part perf coil -1924-top stamp hinged
Canada-Sc#128a- id9-unused og H/NH 2c KGV part perf coil -1924-top stamp hinged, bottom NH-slight gum line at one edge of selvedge-very small spot on top margin-Member of...
donslau (1 )
Canada-Sc#131- id19-unused og NH 1c KGV coil-1915-24-
Canada-Sc#131- id19-unused og NH 1c KGV coil-1915-24-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers - I w...
donslau (1 )
Canada-Sc#108c- id9-unused og hinged 3c KGV-1923-dry printing-
Canada-Sc#108c- id9-unused og hinged 3c KGV-1923-dry printing-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buy...
donslau (1 )
Canada-Unitrade#FWH1-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Ducks1985-
Canada-Unitrade#FWH1-unused NH Federal Wildlife Habitat booklet-Birds-Ducks1985- Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector s...
donslau (1 )
Canada-Sc#131- id18-unused og NH 1c KGV coil pair-1915-24-
Canada-Sc#131- id18-unused og NH 1c KGV coil pair-1915-24-Member of the Canadian Stamp Dealers Association and have been serving the collector since 1975.Canadian buyers ...
donslau (1 )
Canada 1967 London-London Flight Souvenir Sheet
body { background-color: #FFFFFF } Here's a nice commemorative souvenir sheet issued in 1967 by the London Philatelic Society to honour the 40th Anniversary o...
jsheffie (11 )
Canada #86 Fine-Very Fine Mint
body { background-color: #FFFFFF } Canada #86, 1898 black, blue and carmine Imperial Penny Postage issue, fine-very fine centering, light hinge remnant and tr...
jsheffie (11 )
Canada #86 Fine Mint
body { background-color: #FFFFFF } Canada #86, 1898 black, blue and carmine Imperial Penny Postage issue, fine centering, light hinge remnant and trivial gum ...
jsheffie (11 )
Canada #85 Mint Never Hinged
Canada #85, 1898 black, lavender and carmine Imperial Penny Postage issue, couple of trivial gum bends do not detract, very fine centering, never hinged.
jsheffie (11 )
Canada #85 Mint Never Hinged
Canada #85, 1898 black, lavender and carmine Imperial Penny Postage issue, couple of trivial gum bends do not detract, very fine centering, never hinged.
jsheffie (11 )
Canada Sc 91 1903 5 c blue Edward VII stamp mint
Canada Scott & Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number 91 1903 5 cent blue Edward VII stamp.Mint, fine original gum hinged.Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for ...
fatdane (362 )
Canada Sc 249-262 1942 G VI WW II long stamp set stamp used
Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 249-262 1942-43 George VI World War Iong stamp setUsed, fine to very fine.20-3-60.jpg
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Canada Sc 176-7 1930 50c Grand Pre Church & $1 Mt Edith Cavell stamps used
Canada Scott & Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number 176 1930 50 cent dull blue Grand Pre Church, Nova Scotia, and $1 dark olive green Mount Edith Cavell stamps .Used...
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Canada Sc 130 1924 3 c carmine G V Admiral issue coil stamp used
Canada Scott & Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number 130 1924 3 cent carrmine George V Admiral isuue coil stamp perforated 8 vertical .Used , fine to fine plus .Can...
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Canada Sc 203 1933 20c Grain Exhibition Regina 1933 overprint stamp used
Canada Scott & Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number 203 1933 20 cent "World's Grain Exhibition Conference Regina 1933" overprint on brown red harv...
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Canada Sc 209 1934 10c olive green Loyalists stamp used
Canada Scott & Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number 209 1934 10 cent olive green United Empire Loyalists Statue stamp .Used , just fine .Canadian Customers - I pay t...
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Canada Sc 245 1938 $1 Chateau de Ramezay stamp used
Canada Scott & Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number 245 1938 $1 dull violet Chateau de Ramezay stamp .Used, fie to very fine, nice circular cancel .Canadian Customer...
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Canada Sc 262 1942 $1 Destroyer stamp used
Canada Scott & Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number 262 1942 $1 deep blue Destroyer stamp .Used, fine to very fine .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for you9...
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Canada Sc 160-61 1929 George V scroll issue coil stamp set used
Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 160-161 1929 George V scroll issue coil stamp set .Used, fine to very fine .Member Canadian Stamp Dealers Association .Free...
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Canada Sc 195-201 1932 George V Medallion stamp set used
Canada Scott & Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number 195-201 1932 George V Medallion stamp set .Used , fine to very fine .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for y...
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Canada Sc 217-227 1935 George V long stamp set used
Canada Scott & Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number 217-227 1935 George V long stamp set .Used, fine to very fine .Canadian Customers - I pay the GST/HST for you10-9...
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Canada Sc 238 1937 1 c green G VI coil stamp 10 copies mint NH
Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 238 1937 1 ceent green George VI coil stamp, ao copies in pairs or strips of 4 .Mint, very fine original gum never hinged...
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Canada Sc 176-7 1930 50c Grand Pre Church & $1 Mt Edith Cavell stamps used
Canada Scott & Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number 176 1930 50 cent dull blue Grand Pre Church, Nova Scotia, and $1 dark olive green Mount Edith Cavell stamps .Used...
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Canada Sc 130 1924 3 c carmine G V Admiral issue coil stamp used
Canada Scott & Unitrade Specialized Catalogue number 130 1924 3 cent carrmine George V Admiral isuue coil stamp perforated 8 vertical .Used , fine to fine plus .Can...
fatdane (362 )
0 bids
Canada Sc 238 1937 1 c green G VI coil stamp 10 copies mint NH
Canada Scott & Unitrade Catalogue number 238 1937 1 ceent green George VI coil stamp, ao copies in pairs or strips of 4 .Mint, very fine original gum never hinged...
fatdane (362 )
0 bids